Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Best Champions Online Solo Build of 2018

Unleash Your Inner Hero with the Best Champions Online Solo Build of 2018


Looking for the best solo build in Champions Online for 2018? Check out our guide for tips on creating a powerful character!

Are you looking for the perfect solo build for Champions Online in 2018? Look no further! With so many powers and abilities to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones will work best for your playstyle. But fear not, we've done the research and testing to bring you the top solo builds of 2018. Whether you prefer melee combat, ranged attacks, or a mix of both, we've got you covered. So, let's dive into the best solo builds for Champions Online in 2018.

First up, we have the Fire Tank build. This build focuses on using fire-based abilities to deal damage and protect yourself from enemy attacks. With powers like Flame Jet, Ignition, and Fire Shield, you'll be able to dish out serious damage while also being able to withstand even the toughest opponents. Plus, with the added ability to taunt enemies, you'll be able to control the battlefield and keep the focus off of your teammates.

If you prefer a more ranged playstyle, the Dual Pistols build might be for you. This build utilizes twin pistols to take down enemies from afar, while also having the option to switch to melee attacks when needed. With powers like Bullet Ballet, Lead Tempest, and Bullet Hail, you'll be able to rain down bullets on enemies from a safe distance. And if an enemy gets too close, you can switch to your trusty melee attacks like Flick Shot and Quick Draw to finish them off.

For those who want a more balanced approach, the Energy Melee build is a great option. This build combines powerful energy-based melee attacks with ranged abilities to give you the best of both worlds. With powers like Energy Transfer, Energy Torrent, and Energy Punch, you'll be able to deal massive damage to enemies up close. And when you need to take out enemies from a distance, you can use powers like Energy Bolt, Energy Wave, and Energy Blast.

Another great solo build option is the Telekinetic Melee build. This build focuses on using telekinetic powers to control and damage enemies, while also having strong melee attacks for up close combat. With powers like Telekinetic Push, Telekinetic Spike, and Telekinetic Shield, you'll be able to manipulate enemy movements and deal damage at the same time. And when it's time to get up close and personal, you can use powers like Mindful Strike, Telekinetic Thrust, and Kinetic Shield to finish off enemies.

If you want to take a more defensive approach, the Shield Tank build might be for you. This build utilizes shields and defensive abilities to protect yourself and your teammates from enemy attacks. With powers like Shield Charge, Shield Defense, and Shield Wall, you'll be able to absorb a ton of damage while also taunting enemies to keep them focused on you. And with the added ability to heal yourself and your allies, you'll be an invaluable asset to any team.

The final solo build we'll be discussing is the Gadgets build. This build focuses on using gadgets and technology-based abilities to gain the upper hand in combat. With powers like Taser Dart, Sonic Device, and Smoke Bomb, you'll be able to stun enemies, blind them, and create distractions to give yourself an advantage. And with the added ability to summon drones and turrets to fight alongside you, you'll never be alone in battle.

In conclusion, whether you prefer melee combat, ranged attacks, or a mix of both, there's a solo build out there for you in Champions Online. By utilizing the right powers and abilities, you'll be able to take on any challenge that comes your way. So, try out these top solo builds of 2018 and see which one works best for you!


Champions Online is a superhero-themed MMORPG that allows players to create their own unique character and explore the vast world of Millennium City. With so many different powers and abilities to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which build is best for solo play. In this article, we will explore some of the best solo builds for Champions Online in 2018.

The Importance of Solo Builds

Playing solo in an MMO can be challenging, but also rewarding. It allows players to progress at their own pace and enjoy the game without relying on others. However, not all builds are created equal when it comes to solo play. Certain powers and abilities are more effective when playing alone, and can make the difference between success and failure.


One of the most important aspects of a solo build is survivability. You need to be able to withstand damage from enemies and heal yourself when necessary. Some powers that are good for survivability include Regeneration, Invulnerability, and Superstats such as Constitution and Endurance.


Damage per second (DPS) is also crucial for solo play. You need to be able to take down enemies quickly and efficiently. Powers that are good for DPS include Energy Blast, Martial Arts, and Telekinesis. Superstats such as Strength and Dexterity can also increase your damage output.

Best Solo Builds

Now that we have discussed the importance of survivability and DPS, let's take a look at some of the best solo builds in Champions Online for 2018.

The Tank

The Tank is a classic solo build that focuses on survivability. This build utilizes powers such as Invulnerability and Regeneration to stay alive, while dealing damage with powers like Energy Melee and Super Strength. This build is great for players who want to take on enemies head-on and can withstand a lot of damage.

The Damage Dealer

The Damage Dealer build is all about DPS. This build utilizes powers such as Energy Blast, Martial Arts, and Telekinesis to deal massive amounts of damage quickly. Superstats such as Strength and Dexterity are also important for this build, as they increase your damage output.

The Hybrid

The Hybrid build combines survivability and DPS for a well-rounded solo experience. This build utilizes powers such as Regeneration and Energy Melee to stay alive, while dealing damage with powers like Energy Blast and Martial Arts. Superstats such as Constitution and Dexterity are important for this build, as they increase your survivability and damage output.

Tips for Solo Play

No matter which build you choose, there are some tips that can help you succeed in solo play.

Know Your Powers

Make sure you understand how each of your powers works and how they can be used together. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle.

Upgrade Your Gear

Upgrading your gear can make a huge difference in how effective you are in combat. Make sure to regularly upgrade your weapons, armor, and accessories.

Explore the World

Take the time to explore the world and complete missions. This will give you experience points and loot rewards that can help you level up and improve your character.

Join a Group

While solo play is fun, sometimes it's good to join a group and tackle more challenging content together. This can also help you make new friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game.


In conclusion, there are many different solo builds that can be effective in Champions Online. Whether you prefer survivability, DPS, or a combination of both, there is a build that will suit your playstyle. Remember to experiment with different powers and upgrades, and take the time to explore the world and join groups for a well-rounded gaming experience.
Introduction to Champions Online Solo BuildsChampions Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Cryptic Studios. The game allows players to create their own superhero and embark on various missions and quests while exploring the vast world of Champions Online. One of the key elements of the game is the ability to play solo or with a group. However, playing solo requires a specific build that enables the player to tackle challenges and enemies on their own. In this article, we will explore the best solo builds in Champions Online for 2018.Understanding the Importance of Solo Builds in Champions OnlineIn Champions Online, soloing is not only possible but also rewarding. Playing solo allows players to progress through the game at their own pace and explore the world without relying on other players. Additionally, soloing allows players to master their character's abilities and better understand their strengths and weaknesses. However, for soloing to be successful, a player must have a well-designed build that suits their playstyle.Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solo Build in Champions OnlineWhen choosing a solo build in Champions Online, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, the player should identify their playstyle. Do they prefer a ranged or close combat? Are they defensive or offensive? Secondly, the player should consider their powers. Which powers are they most comfortable using? Which powers do they want to develop further? Thirdly, the player should consider their equipment. What gear will enhance their build and make them more effective in combat? Lastly, the player should consider their character's stats. Which stats are most important for their build?Top Solo Builds for Different Playstyles in Champions OnlineChampions Online offers a wide range of playstyles, and each requires a different approach to soloing. Here are some of the best solo builds for different playstyles in Champions Online:1. The Blaster Build: This build is ideal for players who prefer ranged combat. It focuses on dealing damage from a distance and includes powers such as Energy Blast, Explosive Bolt, and Fireball.2. The Tank Build: This build is ideal for defensive players. It focuses on absorbing damage and includes powers such as Invincibility, Force Shield, and Taunt.3. The Melee Build: This build is ideal for players who prefer close combat. It focuses on dealing damage up close and includes powers such as Jab, Haymaker, and Lunge.4. The Controller Build: This build is ideal for players who prefer support roles. It focuses on controlling enemies and includes powers such as Confuse, Sleep, and Mind Control.Examining the Mechanics of the Best Solo Builds in Champions OnlineTo understand the mechanics of the best solo builds in Champions Online, we need to examine the different powers and abilities that make them effective. For example, the Blaster Build relies on ranged attacks that deal high damage but require accuracy. The Tank Build relies on defensive powers that absorb damage and taunt enemies away from allies. The Melee Build relies on close combat attacks that deal high damage but require the player to be in close proximity to enemies. The Controller Build relies on powers that control enemies and support allies.Tips and Tricks for Maximizing the Potential of Your Solo Build in Champions OnlineTo maximize the potential of your solo build in Champions Online, there are several tips and tricks to keep in mind:1. Experiment with different powers and abilities to find what works best for your playstyle.2. Focus on a few powers and abilities rather than trying to use everything at once.3. Use gear and equipment that enhances your build and makes you more effective in combat.4. Use consumables such as health potions and power-ups to give you an edge in combat.5. Take advantage of the game's crafting system to create gear and equipment that suits your build.Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Solo Build in Champions OnlineWhen creating a solo build in Champions Online, there are several common mistakes to avoid:1. Focusing too much on offense and neglecting defense.2. Neglecting to take advantage of gear and equipment that enhances your build.3. Trying to use too many powers and abilities at once, which can lead to confusion and inefficiency.4. Neglecting to consider the importance of stats and how they affect your build.Advanced Techniques for Fine-Tuning Your Solo Build in Champions OnlineTo fine-tune your solo build in Champions Online, there are several advanced techniques to consider:1. Use synergy between powers to create devastating combos.2. Take advantage of movement and positioning to gain an advantage in combat.3. Use alternate builds and loadouts to adapt to different situations.4. Experiment with different stats to find what works best for your build.Comparing the Pros and Cons of Different Solo Builds in Champions OnlineEach solo build in Champions Online has its pros and cons. For example, the Blaster Build is great for ranged combat but lacks defensive capabilities. The Tank Build is great for absorbing damage but lacks offensive capabilities. The Melee Build is great for close combat but requires the player to be in close proximity to enemies. The Controller Build is great for support roles but lacks offensive capabilities.Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Solo Build in Champions Online in 2018Choosing the best solo build in Champions Online in 2018 requires careful consideration of playstyle, powers, gear, and stats. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, players can create effective solo builds that allow them to tackle challenges and enemies on their own. Remember to experiment with different builds and find what works best for your playstyle. With the right solo build, you can become a true champion in Champions Online.

Champions Online Best Solo Build 2018: A Point of View


Champions Online is a popular MMORPG game that offers a wide range of customization options for players. The game allows players to create their own superheroes and villains and engage in various quests and missions. In this article, we will be discussing the best solo build for Champions Online in 2018.

The Pros and Cons of Champions Online Best Solo Build 2018

  1. The best solo build for Champions Online in 2018 is highly customizable.
  2. The build offers a high level of survivability and damage output.
  3. Players can easily switch between different powers and abilities to suit their playstyle.
  4. The build is versatile and can be used for both PvE and PvP content.
  5. The build is easy to learn and master.
  1. The build requires a lot of time and effort to fully optimize.
  2. The build may not be suitable for players who prefer a more passive playstyle.
  3. The build may require additional resources such as gear and enhancements to reach its full potential.

Table Comparison or Information about Champions Online Best Solo Build 2018

In this section, we will provide a table comparison of the different powers and abilities that make up the best solo build for Champions Online in 2018.

Power/Ability Description Pros Cons
Energy Builder A power that generates energy for other abilities. Allows for sustained damage output. May require additional points to fully optimize.
Teleport An ability that allows the player to teleport to a target location. Offers high mobility and escape options. May be difficult to use effectively in certain situations.
Super Strength A power that enhances the player's physical strength. Allows for high damage output and crowd control. May require additional resources to fully optimize.
Regeneration An ability that allows the player to regenerate health over time. Offers high survivability and sustainability. May not be as effective in high-damage situations.
Flight An ability that allows the player to fly. Offers high mobility and escape options. May be difficult to use effectively in certain situations.


In conclusion, the best solo build for Champions Online in 2018 is highly customizable and offers a high level of survivability and damage output. While it may require additional resources to fully optimize, the build is versatile and can be used for both PvE and PvP content. Players who prefer a more active playstyle and are willing to invest the time and effort required will find this build to be highly rewarding.

Closing Message: Champions Online Best Solo Build 2018

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best solo builds for Champions Online in 2018. We hope that you have found this information useful in your quest to create a powerful and effective superhero character that can tackle any challenge thrown their way. As always, it is important to remember that the best build for you will depend on your personal preferences, playstyle, and the specific challenges you will be facing in the game.

One of the key takeaways from our article is the importance of balance when creating a solo build. While it may be tempting to focus solely on offense or defense, a well-rounded character with a mix of both will have the best chance of success in the long run. Additionally, it is important to choose powers and abilities that complement each other, rather than just picking the most powerful options available.

We also highlighted some specific builds that have proven to be successful in solo play. The Tank, the Blade, and the Marksman builds all offer different strengths and weaknesses, but each has the potential to be a formidable force on their own. Experimenting with different builds and finding what works best for you is part of the fun of playing Champions Online.

Another key element to consider when creating a successful solo build is gear. While having the right powers and abilities is important, equipping your character with the right gear can make all the difference in tougher fights. Make sure to keep an eye out for gear that enhances your chosen playstyle and complements your powers.

It is also important to keep in mind that solo play in Champions Online can be challenging at times. Some missions and enemies may require a group or team to defeat, so don't be afraid to team up with other players when necessary. Joining a supergroup or finding a group of like-minded players can also add to the overall enjoyment of the game.

Finally, we want to remind players that the best solo build is one that you enjoy playing. While it is important to be effective in combat, having fun and enjoying the game should always come first. Don't be afraid to try out new builds and experiment with different playstyles until you find what works best for you.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has provided some valuable insight into creating the best solo build for Champions Online in 2018. By focusing on balance, gear, and playstyle, players can create a character that is both powerful and enjoyable to play. Remember to have fun and don't be afraid to try new things – after all, that's what being a superhero is all about!

People Also Ask About Champions Online Best Solo Build 2018

What is a solo build in Champions Online?

A solo build in Champions Online is a character build that is designed to be played alone, without the need for a team or group. It focuses on high survivability and damage output, allowing players to take on challenging content on their own.

What powers should I use for a solo build?

There are several powers that are particularly effective for a solo build in Champions Online:

  • Invulnerability: This power set provides high levels of defense and resistance, making it easier to survive tough battles.
  • Bruiser: This power set focuses on melee combat and can dish out significant damage while also being able to take hits.
  • Telekinesis: This power set allows players to control objects and enemies, making it easier to manipulate the battlefield and pick off targets one by one.
  • Electricity: This power set provides a mix of ranged and melee attacks, as well as crowd control abilities.

What stats should I focus on for a solo build?

For a solo build in Champions Online, players should focus on increasing their survivability and damage output. The following stats are particularly important:

  1. Constitution: Increases health and health regeneration.
  2. Dexterity: Increases accuracy and critical hit chance.
  3. Strength: Increases melee damage and carrying capacity.
  4. Ego: Increases energy and energy regeneration.
  5. Endurance: Increases stamina and stamina regeneration.

Can I still group with others if I have a solo build?

Yes, even if you have a solo build, you can still group with other players in Champions Online. However, you may need to adjust your playstyle slightly to accommodate the needs of the group.

What is the best solo build overall?

There is no one best solo build in Champions Online, as it depends on personal playstyle and preferences. However, a well-rounded build that balances offense and defense is typically the most effective for solo play.