Unleash the Ultimate Mii Gunner Moveset: Top Recommendations from Reddit Players!

Unleash the Ultimate Mii Gunner Moveset: Top Recommendations from Reddit Players!


Discover the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate on Reddit! Get tips, tricks, and strategies to dominate your opponents with ease.

As one of the most versatile characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mii Gunner has been a fan-favorite since its debut in previous installments of the game. With its customizable moveset, players can tailor their playstyle and create a unique character that suits their preferences. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine the best Mii Gunner moveset for your gameplay. In this article, we will explore the top-rated Mii Gunner movesets on Reddit and provide insight into why they are the best choices.

To start, the first Mii Gunner moveset that caught our attention is the Zoner build. This moveset focuses on Mii Gunner's ranged attacks, making it an ideal option for players who prefer to keep their opponents at a distance. The Zoner build includes the Charge Blast, Gunner Missile, and Flame Pillar as its special moves, which allows players to deal high damage from afar and control the stage. Additionally, the moveset is complemented by the Grenade Launch and Echo Reflector as its side and down specials, respectively, which further enhances its zoning capabilities.

Another popular Mii Gunner moveset on Reddit is the Gunner Mage build. As the name suggests, this moveset emphasizes Mii Gunner's magical abilities, making it a great option for players who enjoy using spells and projectiles. The Gunner Mage build features the Grenade Launch, Stealth Burst, and Absorbing Vortex as its special moves, which provide a mix of offensive and defensive options. Moreover, the moveset is complemented by the Arm Rocket and Lunar Launch as its side and down specials, respectively, which enables players to move around the stage quickly and evade attacks.

If you're looking for a more aggressive Mii Gunner moveset, the Assault build might be the one for you. This moveset focuses on Mii Gunner's close combat abilities, making it an ideal option for players who prefer to engage in hand-to-hand combat. The Assault build includes the Flame Pillar, Gunner Missile, and Absorbing Vortex as its special moves, which allows players to deal high damage and knockback to their opponents. Additionally, the moveset is complemented by the Arm Rocket and Bomb Drop as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and damage output.

For players who prefer a balanced approach, the All-Rounder build might be the best Mii Gunner moveset for them. This moveset features a mix of ranged and close combat abilities, making it a versatile option that can adapt to different situations. The All-Rounder build includes the Charge Blast, Flame Pillar, and Gunner Missile as its special moves, which provides a mix of zoning and offensive options. Moreover, the moveset is complemented by the Arm Rocket and Echo Reflector as its side and down specials, respectively, which further enhances its utility.

Another Mii Gunner moveset that has gained popularity on Reddit is the Explosive build. This moveset focuses on Mii Gunner's explosive attacks, making it an ideal option for players who enjoy using bombs and explosives. The Explosive build includes the Bomb Drop, Stealth Burst, and Cannon Jump Kick as its special moves, which allows players to deal high damage and knockback to their opponents. Additionally, the moveset is complemented by the Lunar Launch and Echo Reflector as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and defensive capabilities.

If you're looking for a Mii Gunner moveset that can control the stage and keep opponents at bay, the Zoning Mage build might be the one for you. This moveset combines Mii Gunner's ranged attacks and magical abilities, making it a versatile option that can adapt to different situations. The Zoning Mage build includes the Stealth Burst, Charge Blast, and Grenade Launch as its special moves, which provides a mix of zoning and offensive options. Moreover, the moveset is complemented by the Lunar Launch and Echo Reflector as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and defensive capabilities.

For players who enjoy using Mii Gunner's reflector ability, the Reflector build might be the best choice. This moveset focuses on Mii Gunner's defensive capabilities, making it an ideal option for players who prefer to counter their opponents' attacks. The Reflector build includes the Echo Reflector, Flame Pillar, and Charge Blast as its special moves, which allows players to reflect projectiles and deal high damage to their opponents. Additionally, the moveset is complemented by the Arm Rocket and Lunar Launch as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and evasive capabilities.

If you're looking for a more unconventional Mii Gunner moveset, the Trapper build might be the one for you. This moveset focuses on Mii Gunner's ability to set traps and control the stage, making it an ideal option for players who enjoy using unconventional tactics. The Trapper build includes the Grenade Launch, Stealth Burst, and Bomb Drop as its special moves, which allows players to set traps and deal high damage to their opponents. Moreover, the moveset is complemented by the Cannon Jump Kick and Lunar Launch as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and evasive capabilities.

Lastly, the Sniper build is a Mii Gunner moveset that emphasizes precision and accuracy, making it an ideal option for players who enjoy using long-range attacks. The Sniper build includes the Charge Blast, Gunner Missile, and Bomb Drop as its special moves, which allows players to deal high damage from afar and control the stage. Additionally, the moveset is complemented by the Lunar Launch and Echo Reflector as its side and down specials, respectively, which enhances its mobility and defensive capabilities.

In conclusion, Mii Gunner is a versatile character that can adapt to different playstyles and preferences. With its customizable moveset, players can create a unique character that suits their gameplay and playstyle. The top-rated Mii Gunner movesets on Reddit, such as the Zoner, Gunner Mage, Assault, All-Rounder, Explosive, Zoning Mage, Reflector, Trapper, and Sniper builds, provide players with various options that cater to their preferences. Whether you prefer a ranged or close combat approach, Mii Gunner has a moveset that can fit your needs.


Mii Gunner, one of the most versatile characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, is a great choice for players who love to use projectiles and have a long-range combat style. With its customizable moveset, players can choose different specials and customize their Mii Gunner according to their playstyle. In this article, we will be discussing the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit.

Neutral Special: Charge Blast

The Charge Blast is one of the Mii Gunner's best neutral special moves. It's a chargeable projectile that can deal significant damage to opponents. The longer you charge it, the stronger it becomes. This move can also be used to edge-guard opponents and control space on the stage. You can use it to force your opponent to approach you or to create a wall of projectiles to zone them out.

Side Special: Flame Pillar

The Flame Pillar is a great side special move that can hit multiple opponents at once. It creates a vertical column of flames that can deal damage to any opponent within range. This move is excellent for catching opponents off guard and can be used to start a combo. It's also useful for edge-guarding and punishing opponents who recover high.

Up Special: Arm Rocket

The Arm Rocket is an excellent recovery move that can help you get back to the stage quickly. It's also a great move for catching opponents off guard as it can be used both as a recovery and an attack. You can use it to perform aerial attacks while recovering or to escape from a sticky situation. This move can also be used to edge-guard opponents who are trying to recover.

Down Special: Echo Reflector

The Echo Reflector is a great down special move that can reflect projectiles back at your opponent. It's an excellent move for countering characters who rely heavily on projectile attacks such as Samus, Link, and Mega Man. This move can also be used to create space between you and your opponent and to force them to approach you. It's also useful for edge-guarding opponents who are trying to recover.

Alternate Neutral Special: Grenade Launch

The Grenade Launch is an alternate neutral special move that can be used to set traps for opponents. It launches a grenade that explodes after a short delay, dealing damage to any opponent within range. This move is excellent for creating a wall of explosives to zone out your opponent or to set up traps for them. It's also useful for edge-guarding opponents who are trying to recover.

Alternate Side Special: Stealth Burst

The Stealth Burst is an alternate side special move that can be used to catch opponents off guard. It creates a burst of smoke that can obscure your opponent's vision, making it difficult for them to see your next move. This move is excellent for starting combos or escaping from a sticky situation. It's also useful for edge-guarding opponents who are trying to recover.

Alternate Up Special: Lunar Launch

The Lunar Launch is an alternate up special move that can be used to perform powerful aerial attacks. It launches the Mii Gunner into the air, allowing them to perform a powerful aerial attack. This move is excellent for catching opponents off guard and can be used to start a combo. It's also useful for edge-guarding opponents who are trying to recover.

Alternate Down Special: Absorbing Vortex

The Absorbing Vortex is an alternate down special move that can be used to absorb energy-based projectiles. It creates a vortex that absorbs any energy-based projectile, healing the Mii Gunner in the process. This move is excellent for countering characters who rely heavily on energy-based projectiles such as Samus, Ness, and Mewtwo. It's also useful for edge-guarding opponents who are trying to recover.


In conclusion, the Mii Gunner is an excellent character with many customizable movesets to choose from. The best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit depends on your playstyle and the type of opponents you are facing. Consider experimenting with different moves and find the ones that work best for you. With its versatile moveset, the Mii Gunner can be a formidable opponent in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Introduction to Mii Gunner in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Mii Gunner is one of the three customizable Mii characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This character is known for its ranged attacks and ability to control the battlefield from a distance. The Mii Gunner's moveset includes various projectiles such as lasers, bombs, and rockets that can be combined to create lethal combos.In order to fully utilize the Mii Gunner's potential, it is important to understand the importance of a well-balanced moveset. Each special move has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right combination can make all the difference in a match.

Understanding the importance of a well-balanced Mii Gunner moveset

A balanced Mii Gunner moveset should include a mix of neutral, side, up, and down special moves that complement each other. This allows the player to adapt to different situations and opponents, as well as create unique combos and strategies.While some players may prefer a more defensive or offensive playstyle, it is important to have a moveset that is versatile and can be adapted to different situations. With this in mind, let's explore some of the best special moves for Mii Gunner.

Best Neutral Special move for Mii Gunner: Charge Blast vs. Laser Blaze

The neutral special move for Mii Gunner is a chargeable projectile that can be used to control the stage and keep opponents at bay. There are two options for this move: Charge Blast and Laser Blaze.Charge Blast is a powerful shot that can be charged to increase its damage and knockback. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are approaching or recovering, and can be used to edgeguard effectively.On the other hand, Laser Blaze fires a rapid stream of lasers that can be used to pressure opponents and interrupt their attacks. While it does less damage than Charge Blast, it can be fired more quickly and is a great option for zoning and controlling the stage.Ultimately, the choice between these two moves comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Players who prefer a more defensive playstyle may prefer Charge Blast, while those who like to pressure their opponents may prefer Laser Blaze.

Exploring Mii Gunner's Side Special moves: Flame Pillar or Stealth Burst?

The side special moves for Mii Gunner are close-range attacks that can be used to punish opponents who are in close proximity. There are two options for this move: Flame Pillar and Stealth Burst.Flame Pillar creates a burst of flames that damages opponents and launches them upwards. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are trying to approach from above, and can be used as a combo starter.On the other hand, Stealth Burst creates a smoke bomb that damages opponents and launches them horizontally. It is a great option for catching opponents off guard and can be used to edgeguard effectively.Both of these moves have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them largely depends on the player's playstyle. Players who prefer to stay grounded and punish opponents from below may prefer Flame Pillar, while those who like to catch opponents off guard may prefer Stealth Burst.

The advantages and disadvantages of Mii Gunner's Up Special moves: Lunar Launch vs. Cannon Jump Kick

The up special moves for Mii Gunner are recovery moves that allow the character to regain vertical distance and return to the stage safely. There are two options for this move: Lunar Launch and Cannon Jump Kick.Lunar Launch is a rocket jump that launches the character upwards and damages opponents who are hit. It is a great option for recovering from below the stage and can be used to surprise opponents who are trying to edgeguard.On the other hand, Cannon Jump Kick is a spinning kick that propels the character upwards and damages opponents who are hit. It is a great option for recovering from above the stage and can be used to punish opponents who are trying to edgeguard.Both of these moves have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them largely depends on the player's playstyle. Players who prefer a more defensive playstyle may prefer Lunar Launch, while those who like to punish opponents may prefer Cannon Jump Kick.

Which Down Special move is best for Mii Gunner: Echo Reflector or Bomb Drop?

The down special moves for Mii Gunner are defensive moves that can be used to reflect projectiles or drop bombs on opponents. There are two options for this move: Echo Reflector and Bomb Drop.Echo Reflector creates a shield that reflects projectiles back at opponents. It is a great option for countering opponents who rely heavily on projectiles and can be used to create openings for attacks.On the other hand, Bomb Drop drops a bomb that explodes on impact and damages opponents. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are trying to approach and can be used to control the stage effectively.Both of these moves have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them largely depends on the player's playstyle. Players who prefer a more defensive playstyle may prefer Echo Reflector, while those who like to control the stage may prefer Bomb Drop.

Tips for using Mii Gunner's Smash Attacks effectively: Flame Cannon, Flame Wave, and Flame Nova

Mii Gunner's smash attacks are powerful attacks that can be used to KO opponents at high percentages. There are three options for this move: Flame Cannon, Flame Wave, and Flame Nova.Flame Cannon is a powerful shot that can be charged to increase its damage and knockback. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are approaching or recovering, and can be used to edgeguard effectively.Flame Wave creates a wave of flames that damages opponents and launches them horizontally. It is a great option for catching opponents off guard and can be used to control the stage effectively.Flame Nova creates a burst of flames that damages opponents and launches them in all directions. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are trying to approach and can be used to KO opponents at high percentages.When using Mii Gunner's smash attacks, it is important to time them correctly and use them sparingly. They can be easily punished if used too frequently, so it is important to mix them up with other attacks and keep opponents guessing.

Combining Mii Gunner's aerial attacks with the best moveset: Neutral Air, Forward Air, and Back Air

Mii Gunner's aerial attacks are versatile attacks that can be used to control the air and punish opponents who are in the air. There are three options for this move: Neutral Air, Forward Air, and Back Air.Neutral Air creates a hitbox around the character that damages opponents who are in close proximity. It is a great option for landing safely and can be used to start combos.Forward Air creates a rocket-powered kick that propels the character forward and damages opponents who are hit. It is a great option for approaching opponents and can be used to edgeguard effectively.Back Air creates a backwards-facing shot that damages opponents who are hit. It is a great option for punishing opponents who are trying to approach from behind and can be used to control the stage effectively.When combining Mii Gunner's aerial attacks with the best moveset, it is important to mix them up and use them strategically. They can be used to create unique combos and pressure opponents from different angles.

How to use Mii Gunner's Grab and Throws to your advantage

Mii Gunner's grab and throws are versatile moves that can be used to set up combos and control the stage. The character has three options for throws: Forward Throw, Back Throw, and Down Throw.Forward Throw launches opponents forward and can be used to set up edgeguards or start combos.Back Throw launches opponents backwards and can be used to set up edgeguards or punish opponents who are trying to recover.Down Throw launches opponents downwards and can be used to set up tech chases or follow-ups.When using Mii Gunner's grab and throws, it is important to mix them up and use them strategically. They can be used to create unique combos and pressure opponents from different angles.

Conclusion: Finding the perfect Mii Gunner moveset for your playstyle in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

In conclusion, the Mii Gunner is a versatile character with a wide range of special moves that can be combined to create lethal combos and strategies. While there are no perfect movesets, it is important to choose a combination that complements your playstyle and allows you to adapt to different situations and opponents.By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each special move, as well as how to effectively use Mii Gunner's aerial attacks, grab and throws, and smash attacks, players can create a well-balanced moveset that suits their playstyle and increases their chances of success in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

The Best Mii Gunner Moveset for Ultimate Reddit

Point of View

As an avid player of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I have spent countless hours experimenting with different characters and movesets. One character that has always intrigued me is the Mii Gunner. With its customizable moveset, the Mii Gunner has the potential to be a formidable opponent in any match. After much trial and error, I believe I have found the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit.

Pros and Cons

Before delving into the specific moveset, it's important to note the pros and cons of playing as the Mii Gunner.Pros:
  • Customizable moveset allows for a personalized playstyle.
  • Excellent zoning capabilities with projectiles.
  • A variety of kill options, including a powerful up smash and forward air.
  • Good recovery options with its up special and wall jump.
  • Relatively slow movement speed.
  • Weak grab game.
  • Can struggle with close-range combat due to limited options.
  • Some moves can be predictable and easily punished.


After much experimentation and research, I have found the following to be the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit:Neutral Special: Charge BlastThis move is excellent for zoning and can be charged up to deal significant damage. It also has the added benefit of reflecting projectiles back at opponents.Side Special: Flame PillarFlame Pillar is a great option for close-range combat, dealing heavy damage to opponents who are caught in its fiery blast. It can also be used as a mix-up option to catch opponents off guard.Up Special: Lunar LaunchLunar Launch is an excellent recovery move that also deals damage to opponents who are hit by it. It can also be used as a combo starter or finisher.Down Special: Echo ReflectorEcho Reflector is a useful move for reflecting projectiles back at opponents. It can also be used to disrupt an opponent's approach or as a defensive option.Standard Attack: Flame CannonFlame Cannon is a quick and powerful attack that can be used to rack up damage on opponents. It's also a good option for punishing opponents who are recovering from offstage.Smash Attack: Charge Blast (Up Smash)Charge Blast is an excellent kill option, dealing heavy damage and launching opponents upwards. It can also be charged up to deal even more damage and knockback.


Here is a table comparing the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit to other popular movesets:
Moveset Pros Cons
Best Mii Gunner Moveset Customizable, excellent zoning capabilities, variety of kill options, good recovery options. Relatively slow movement speed, weak grab game, struggles with close-range combat, some moves can be predictable.
Default Mii Gunner Good zoning options, decent recovery. Limited kill options, weak close-range combat, predictable moveset.
Explosive Mii Gunner Powerful projectiles, good kill options. Limited recovery options, weak close-range combat, predictable moveset.

Overall, the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit offers a balanced mix of zoning, kill options, and recovery. While it may struggle with close-range combat and predictable moves, it can be a formidable opponent in the hands of a skilled player.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors: Best Mii Gunner Moveset Ultimate Reddit

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best Mii Gunner moveset for Ultimate Reddit. We hope that our guide has provided you with valuable insights and strategies that you can use to improve your gameplay and take your Mii Gunner skills to the next level.

As we have discussed in our article, the Mii Gunner is a versatile character that can be customized to suit your playstyle. With a range of special moves, including projectiles and explosives, you can dominate your opponents from a distance or up close.

One of the key takeaways from our guide is the importance of experimentation and practice. As you try out different combinations of moves, you will discover new tactics and techniques that can help you win matches and outsmart your opponents.

Another important point to keep in mind is the significance of stage selection. Depending on the stage layout and hazards, certain moves may be more effective than others. Be sure to choose stages that complement your playstyle and take advantage of your character's strengths.

Additionally, it's important to pay attention to your opponent's playstyle and adjust your strategy accordingly. If you are facing an aggressive opponent, you may want to focus on defensive moves and counterattacks. Conversely, if your opponent is playing defensively, you may want to rely on long-range attacks to wear them down.

When it comes to choosing your Mii Gunner's moveset, there are a few key factors to consider. First, consider your preferred playstyle. Do you prefer to play aggressively or defensively? Are you comfortable with long-range attacks or do you prefer to get up close and personal?

Second, think about the matchups you are likely to face. Certain moves may be more effective against certain characters, so it's important to have a well-rounded moveset that can adapt to different opponents.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment and try out new strategies. The Mii Gunner is a versatile character that can be customized in countless ways, so there is always room for creativity and innovation.

In conclusion, we hope that our guide has provided you with valuable insights and strategies that you can use to dominate your opponents as the Mii Gunner in Ultimate Reddit. With practice, experimentation, and a bit of luck, you can become a top-tier player and take your place among the best Mii Gunner mains in the game.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we wish you the best of luck in your future matches!

People Also Ask About Best Mii Gunner Moveset Ultimate Reddit

What is the best Mii Gunner moveset in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

The Mii Gunner is a versatile character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and the best moveset depends on the player's playstyle. However, some of the most effective moves for the Mii Gunner are:

  • Neutral Special - Charge Blast
  • Side Special - Flame Pillar
  • Up Special - Arm Rocket
  • Down Special - Echo Reflector

These moves provide a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities and can be customized to suit different playstyles.

Which Mii Gunner costume is the best?

The best Mii Gunner costume is subjective and depends on personal preference. However, some popular choices among players are the costumes based on characters from other franchises, such as Samus, Mega Man, and Bayonetta.

What strategies should I use when playing as Mii Gunner?

When playing as Mii Gunner, it's essential to keep a distance from opponents and use projectiles to control the stage. The Mii Gunner has a variety of ranged attacks, including bombs, lasers, and missiles, which can be used to keep opponents at bay.

  1. Use Neutral Special - Charge Blast to charge up a powerful energy blast that can deal significant damage and knockback.
  2. Side Special - Flame Pillar is an excellent option for close-range combat, as it creates a fiery explosion that damages opponents nearby.
  3. Up Special - Arm Rocket can be used for recovery and as an attack, as it launches the Mii Gunner into the air and damages opponents caught in its path.
  4. Down Special - Echo Reflector is a defensive move that reflects projectiles back at opponents, making it useful against characters with a lot of projectile attacks.

Overall, the key to playing Mii Gunner effectively is to keep a distance, use projectiles, and mix up your attacks to keep opponents guessing.