Unleash Fiora's True Potential: Top 5 Must-Have Items in TFT Set 6!

Unleash Fiora's True Potential: Top 5 Must-Have Items in TFT Set 6!


Discover the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6 and dominate the battlefield. Build the perfect strategy with these must-have items!

Are you looking for the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the top items that will help Fiora become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to Teamfight Tactics, these items will give you the edge you need to dominate your opponents.

First and foremost, let's take a look at the three core items that every Fiora player should prioritize: Guardian Angel, Bloodthirster, and Infinity Edge. These items not only boost her survivability but also increase her damage output by a significant margin. With these three items equipped, Fiora can easily take on multiple enemies at once.

If you're looking to give Fiora an extra bit of mobility, consider equipping her with a Rapid Firecannon. This item will increase her attack range, allowing her to engage enemies from a safe distance. It also provides her with additional critical strike chance, which synergizes well with her passive ability.

On the other hand, if you want to focus on Fiora's defensive capabilities, consider giving her a Warmog's Armor and Thornmail. The former will provide her with a massive health boost and regenerative abilities, while the latter will reflect damage back to her enemies and reduce their attack speed.

Another great item to consider is the Hextech Gunblade. This item provides Fiora with spell vamp, which means she can heal herself by dealing damage to her opponents. Additionally, it also provides her with extra attack damage and ability power, making her even more formidable in combat.

If you're looking for an item that will give Fiora a bit of utility, consider equipping her with a Quicksilver. This item will grant her immunity to crowd control effects, allowing her to move freely and engage enemies without fear of being stunned or rooted.

For those who prefer a more offensive playstyle, consider giving Fiora a Guinsoo's Rageblade and a Last Whisper. The former will increase her attack speed and grant her bonus attack damage with each basic attack, while the latter will penetrate her enemies' armor and allow her to deal more damage to them.

Now, let's talk about some situational items that you may want to consider equipping depending on the situation. If you're up against enemies with a lot of magic damage, consider giving Fiora a Force of Nature. This item will increase her magic resistance, making her more resilient to enemy spells.

If you're facing off against enemies with a lot of healing abilities, consider equipping Fiora with an Executioner's Calling. This item will apply grievous wounds to her enemies, reducing their healing effects and making them easier to take down.

Lastly, if you want to give Fiora a bit of crowd control, consider equipping her with a Frozen Heart. This item will reduce her enemies' attack speed and provide her with additional armor, making her even harder to take down in combat.

In conclusion, Fiora is a versatile champion that can be built in many different ways depending on the situation. By equipping her with the right items, you can turn her into a formidable force that can take on any opponent. So go ahead and experiment with these items, and find the perfect build for your playstyle!


Fiora is one of the most popular champions in Teamfight Tactics Set 6. Her ability to dodge attacks and deal massive damage makes her a formidable force on the battlefield. However, to make the most out of her, you need to equip her with the right items. In this article, we'll take a look at the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6.

The Best Items for Fiora

Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon is an excellent item for Fiora because it increases her range by two, allowing her to hit enemies from a safer distance. This item also grants her additional attack speed, which increases her damage output even further. Rapid Firecannon works well with Fiora's ability to dodge attacks, making it harder for enemies to hit her.

Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge is another great item for Fiora because it grants her critical strike chance and increased critical strike damage. This means that she can deal massive amounts of damage with each hit, especially if she lands a critical strike. Infinity Edge also works well with other items that grant critical strike chance, such as Phantom Dancer.

Phantom Dancer

Phantom Dancer is a defensive item that grants Fiora immunity to critical strikes and reduces incoming damage. This item is useful for keeping Fiora alive during team fights, allowing her to deal damage while avoiding critical hits. It also works well with Infinity Edge, as it increases her critical strike chance even further.


Bloodthirster is an excellent item for Fiora because it grants her increased lifesteal. This means that she can heal herself when attacking enemies, making her harder to kill. Bloodthirster also works well with Rapid Firecannon, as it allows Fiora to heal herself from a safer distance.

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel is a defensive item that revives Fiora when she dies in battle. This makes her a valuable asset on the battlefield, as she can continue to deal damage even after being killed. Guardian Angel is especially useful when paired with Bloodthirster, as it allows Fiora to heal herself after being revived.

Other Items to Consider


Deathblade is an item that grants Fiora increased attack damage for each kill or assist she gets. This item is useful for increasing her damage output over time, especially if she manages to get multiple kills or assists during a team fight.

Hextech Gunblade

Hextech Gunblade is an item that grants Fiora increased spell vamp and lifesteal. This means that she can heal herself when casting her abilities, making her harder to kill. Hextech Gunblade works well with Fiora's Riposte ability, which deals damage and heals her for a percentage of the damage dealt.


Quicksilver is a defensive item that grants Fiora immunity to crowd control effects. This means that she can continue to move and attack even when stunned, silenced, or rooted. Quicksilver is especially useful against champions that rely on crowd control abilities, such as Ashe or Lulu.


In conclusion, Fiora is a powerful champion in TFT Set 6, but she needs the right items to reach her full potential. Rapid Firecannon, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Bloodthirster, and Guardian Angel are all excellent items for Fiora. Other items to consider include Deathblade, Hextech Gunblade, and Quicksilver. By equipping Fiora with the right items, you can dominate your opponents and lead your team to victory.

Introduction to Fiora in TFT Set 6Fiora is a powerful champion in the Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 6 game. She is a Duelist and a Skirmisher, which means she excels in one-on-one battles and can move quickly around the battlefield. Fiora is a versatile champion that can be utilized in different team compositions, making her an excellent pick in any TFT set 6 game.To make the most out of Fiora's abilities, it is important to equip her with the right items. In this article, we will discuss the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6. We will cover essential offensive and defensive items, as well as situational and combination items for early, mid, and late-game situations.Top 3 Essential Items for Fiora in TFT Set 6Before we dive into the different types of items, let us first discuss the top three essential items for Fiora in TFT Set 6. These items are crucial in unlocking Fiora's full potential and making her a dominant force on the battlefield.1. Bloodthirster - The Bloodthirster is a must-have item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It provides her with lifesteal, allowing her to sustain herself in prolonged battles. This item is especially useful in one-on-one fights, where Fiora can outlast her opponents and come out victorious.2. Quicksilver - Quicksilver is another essential item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It grants her immunity to crowd control effects such as stuns and silences, making her almost unstoppable in battle. With Quicksilver, Fiora can focus on dealing damage without worrying about being interrupted by her opponents.3. Guardian Angel - The Guardian Angel is a great defensive item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It provides her with a second chance at life, allowing her to come back to the battlefield after being defeated. This item gives Fiora an edge in long battles, where she can come back to turn the tide of the fight.Offensive Items for Fiora in TFT Set 6Now that we have covered the essential items, let us move on to the offensive items for Fiora in TFT Set 6. These items will help her deal more damage and take down her opponents quickly.1. Infinity Edge - The Infinity Edge is an excellent item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It increases her critical strike chance and critical strike damage, making her attacks much more potent. With this item, Fiora can deal massive damage to her opponents and take them down quickly.2. Rapid Firecannon - The Rapid Firecannon is another great offensive item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It increases her attack range, allowing her to hit opponents from a distance. This item is especially useful in situations where Fiora needs to stay out of harm's way while dealing damage.3. Last Whisper - The Last Whisper is a must-have item for Fiora if she wants to deal with tanks and other high-armor opponents. It provides her with armor penetration, allowing her attacks to deal more damage to heavily-armored targets.Defensive Items for Fiora in TFT Set 6While Fiora is an excellent duelist, she can still benefit from defensive items that will keep her alive and ensure she can continue to fight.1. Warmog's Armor - Warmog's Armor is a great defensive item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It provides her with a significant amount of health regeneration, allowing her to heal up quickly between battles. This item is especially useful in prolonged fights where Fiora needs to stay alive for an extended period.2. Randuin's Omen - Randuin's Omen is another excellent defensive item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It provides her with armor and health, making her more durable on the battlefield. Additionally, it has an active ability that slows down nearby enemies, making it harder for them to attack Fiora.3. Gargoyle Stoneplate - The Gargoyle Stoneplate is a great item for Fiora in situations where she is facing multiple opponents. It provides her with bonus armor and magic resistance, making her more resistant to damage. Additionally, it has an active ability that increases her armor and magic resistance for a short period, making her almost invulnerable to damage.Best Combination Items for Fiora in TFT Set 6Combination items are items that require two or more components to build. These items provide unique bonuses that can be useful in different situations.1. Deathblade + Bloodthirster - This combination item provides Fiora with increased attack damage and lifesteal. With these two items, Fiora can deal massive amounts of damage while sustaining herself in prolonged battles.2. Infinity Edge + Rapid Firecannon - This combination item provides Fiora with increased critical strike chance and critical strike damage, as well as an increased attack range. With this combination, Fiora can deal massive amounts of damage from a distance, making her even more deadly on the battlefield.3. Guardian Angel + Quicksilver - This combination item provides Fiora with a second chance at life and immunity to crowd control effects. With these two items, Fiora can become almost unstoppable on the battlefield, making her a significant threat to her opponents.Situational Items for Fiora in TFT Set 6Situational items are items that are useful in specific situations or against certain champions.1. Bramble Vest - Bramble Vest is a great situational item for Fiora in TFT Set 6. It reflects damage back to attackers and reduces their attack speed. This item is especially useful against champions who rely on basic attacks to deal damage.2. Hextech Gunblade - Hextech Gunblade is a great situational item for Fiora when facing opponents with high spell damage. It provides her with spell vamp, allowing her to heal herself while dealing damage with her abilities.3. Titanic Hydra - Titanic Hydra is a great item for Fiora when facing multiple opponents. It deals damage to nearby enemies and increases her health, making her more durable in battles with multiple opponents.Best Items for Early Game Fiora in TFT Set 6In the early game, it is essential to equip Fiora with items that will help her survive and deal damage. Here are some of the best items for early-game Fiora in TFT Set 6:1. Bloodthirster - Bloodthirster is an excellent item for early-game Fiora as it provides her with lifesteal, allowing her to sustain herself in battles.2. Quicksilver - Quicksilver is another great item for early-game Fiora as it provides her with immunity to crowd control effects, allowing her to focus on dealing damage.3. Infinity Edge - Infinity Edge is a great item for early-game Fiora as it increases her critical strike chance and critical strike damage, making her attacks much more potent.Best Items for Mid Game Fiora in TFT Set 6In the mid-game, Fiora should be equipped with items that will allow her to deal more damage and take down opponents quickly. Here are some of the best items for mid-game Fiora in TFT Set 6:1. Rapid Firecannon - Rapid Firecannon is an excellent item for mid-game Fiora as it increases her attack range, allowing her to hit opponents from a distance.2. Last Whisper - Last Whisper is a great item for mid-game Fiora as it provides her with armor penetration, allowing her attacks to deal more damage to heavily-armored targets.3. Guardian Angel - Guardian Angel is a great item for mid-game Fiora as it provides her with a second chance at life, allowing her to come back to the battlefield after being defeated.Best Items for Late Game Fiora in TFT Set 6In the late game, Fiora should be equipped with items that will make her almost unstoppable on the battlefield. Here are some of the best items for late-game Fiora in TFT Set 6:1. Gargoyle Stoneplate - Gargoyle Stoneplate is an excellent item for late-game Fiora as it provides her with bonus armor and magic resistance, making her almost invulnerable to damage.2. Deathblade - Deathblade is a great item for late-game Fiora as it provides her with increased attack damage, making her attacks much more potent.3. Bloodthirster - Bloodthirster is another great item for late-game Fiora as it provides her with lifesteal, allowing her to sustain herself in prolonged battles.Tips on Choosing the Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6When choosing items for Fiora in TFT Set 6, it is essential to consider her strengths and weaknesses, as well as the composition of your team and the opponents you are facing. Here are some tips on choosing the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6:1. Consider Fiora's abilities - Fiora is a Duelist and a Skirmisher, which means she excels in one-on-one battles and can move quickly around the battlefield. Therefore, it is important to equip her with items that will enhance these abilities.2. Balance offense and defense - While Fiora is an excellent duelist, she can still benefit from defensive items that will keep her alive and ensure she can continue to fight.3. Consider the situation - Situational items can be useful in specific situations or against certain champions. It is important to consider the situation and the opponents you are facing when choosing items for Fiora.4. Balance early, mid, and late-game items - It is important to equip Fiora with items that will benefit her in different stages of the game. Early-game items should focus on survival, while mid-game items should focus on damage. Late-game items should make her almost unstoppable on the battlefield.ConclusionIn conclusion, Fiora is a versatile champion in TFT Set 6 that can be utilized in different team compositions. To maximize her potential, it is important to equip her with the right items. Essential items such as Bloodthirster, Quicksilver, and Guardian Angel are crucial in unlocking Fiora's full potential. Offensive items such as Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, and Last Whisper can help her deal more damage and take down opponents quickly. Defensive items such as Warmog's Armor, Randuin's Omen, and Gargoyle Stoneplate can keep her alive and ensure she can continue to fight. Situational items such as Bramble Vest, Hextech Gunblade, and Titanic Hydra can be useful in specific situations. Finally, it is important to balance offense and defense, consider the situation, and choose items that will benefit Fiora in different stages of the game. With the right items, Fiora can become a dominant force on the battlefield and lead your team to victory in TFT Set 6.

The Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6


Fiora is a versatile champion in Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 6 who can excel in multiple roles depending on the items you equip her with. She can be built as a carry or as a tank, depending on your team composition and strategy. In this article, we'll discuss the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6 and their pros and cons.

Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6

1. Gargoyle Stoneplate - This item provides a significant boost to Fiora's survivability. It gives her bonus armor and magic resist, and when activated, it doubles her current health for a few seconds. This makes Fiora an excellent frontline tank that can withstand heavy damage.

2. Sunfire Cape - This item provides constant AoE damage around Fiora, making her a threat to multiple enemies at once. It also provides bonus health and armor, making her even more durable.

3. Bloodthirster - This item provides Fiora with lifesteal, allowing her to heal herself by dealing damage. It also gives her bonus attack damage, making her a formidable carry.

4. Guardian Angel - This item revives Fiora after she dies, allowing her to continue fighting. It also provides bonus attack damage and armor, making her more difficult to kill.

Pros and Cons of Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6

Gargoyle Stoneplate


  • Provides a significant boost to Fiora's survivability
  • Doubles her current health for a few seconds, making her an excellent frontline tank
  • Gives bonus armor and magic resist


  • The health boost is temporary
  • Does not provide any offensive bonuses

Sunfire Cape


  • Provides constant AoE damage around Fiora, making her a threat to multiple enemies at once
  • Provides bonus health and armor, making her even more durable


  • The damage is not very high
  • Does not provide any offensive bonuses



  • Provides lifesteal, allowing Fiora to heal herself by dealing damage
  • Gives bonus attack damage, making her a formidable carry


  • Does not provide any defensive bonuses
  • Requires Fiora to deal damage to be effective

Guardian Angel


  • Revives Fiora after she dies, allowing her to continue fighting
  • Provides bonus attack damage and armor, making her more difficult to kill


  • Only activates once per round
  • Does not provide any defensive bonuses until Fiora dies

Table Comparison of Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6

Item Pros Cons
Gargoyle Stoneplate Provides a significant boost to Fiora's survivability
Doubles her current health for a few seconds, making her an excellent frontline tank
Gives bonus armor and magic resist
The health boost is temporary
Does not provide any offensive bonuses
Sunfire Cape Provides constant AoE damage around Fiora, making her a threat to multiple enemies at once
Provides bonus health and armor, making her even more durable
The damage is not very high
Does not provide any offensive bonuses
Bloodthirster Provides lifesteal, allowing Fiora to heal herself by dealing damage
Gives bonus attack damage, making her a formidable carry
Does not provide any defensive bonuses
Requires Fiora to deal damage to be effective
Guardian Angel Revives Fiora after she dies, allowing her to continue fighting
Provides bonus attack damage and armor, making her more difficult to kill
Only activates once per round
Does not provide any defensive bonuses until Fiora dies


In conclusion, the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6 depend on your team composition and strategy. Gargoyle Stoneplate and Sunfire Cape are great defensive options, while Bloodthirster and Guardian Angel are great offensive options. Consider combining these items with other items that synergize well with Fiora's abilities to create a powerful champion that can carry your team to victory.

Conclusion: Best Fiora Items in TFT Set 6

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best Fiora items in TFT Set 6. We hope that this guide has provided you with some useful information on how to build a strong and effective Fiora team that can compete with the best in the game.

As we have discussed, Fiora is a versatile champion that can be played in a variety of ways depending on your playstyle and the items you give her. However, there are a few key items that we believe are essential for maximizing her potential and making her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

The first item that we recommend for Fiora is the Bloodthirster. This item provides her with lifesteal, which allows her to sustain herself in fights and stay alive longer. It also gives her a significant boost to her attack damage, making her even more deadly in combat.

The second item that we recommend for Fiora is the Infinity Edge. This item increases her critical strike chance and critical strike damage, which makes her hits even more devastating. When combined with the Bloodthirster, she becomes an unstoppable force that can take down even the toughest opponents.

Another great item for Fiora is the Guardian Angel. This item resurrects her after she dies, giving her a second chance to finish off her enemies. It also provides her with bonus attack damage and armor, making her even more resilient in combat.

For players who prefer a more defensive approach, we recommend giving Fiora the Warmog's Armor. This item provides her with a massive health boost, making her extremely difficult to kill. It also allows her to regenerate health quickly, which can be especially useful in prolonged fights.

Finally, we recommend the Quicksilver Sash for Fiora. This item allows her to remove any crowd control effects that may be placed on her, making her immune to stuns, slows, and other debilitating effects. This can be especially useful against teams that rely heavily on crowd control to win fights.

In conclusion, Fiora is a powerful champion that can be a valuable asset to any team. By equipping her with the right items, you can turn her into a deadly force that can dominate the battlefield. We hope that this guide has been helpful in your quest to build the ultimate Fiora team, and we wish you the best of luck in your future games!

People Also Ask About Best Fiora Items TFT Set 6

What are the best items for Fiora in TFT Set 6?

Fiora is a Blademaster and Duelist champion in TFT Set 6. The best items for Fiora in TFT Set 6 are:

  • Infinity Edge
  • Quicksilver
  • Bloodthirster
  • Guardian Angel
  • Hextech Gunblade

How should I build Fiora in TFT Set 6?

To build Fiora in TFT Set 6, you should focus on items that increase her attack damage and survivability. The recommended item combination for Fiora is:

  1. Infinity Edge
  2. Quicksilver
  3. Bloodthirster

What is the best team composition for Fiora in TFT Set 6?

The best team composition for Fiora in TFT Set 6 is a Blademaster and Duelist composition. The ideal team composition includes champions such as Yasuo, Irelia, Jax, and Lee Sin.

What are the best synergies for Fiora in TFT Set 6?

The best synergies for Fiora in TFT Set 6 are:

  • Blademaster: Increases Fiora's chance to attack multiple times.
  • Duelist: Increases Fiora's attack speed and damage.
  • Mystic: Provides Fiora with magic resistance.

What are the best counters to Fiora in TFT Set 6?

The best counters to Fiora in TFT Set 6 are champions that have high burst damage and crowd control abilities. Champions such as Kennen, Morgana, and Lissandra can easily take down Fiora and prevent her from dealing damage to your team.

Is Fiora a good champion to use in TFT Set 6?

Yes, Fiora is a good champion to use in TFT Set 6. She is a strong early game champion that can deal a lot of damage and survive fights. With the right items and team composition, Fiora can be a valuable asset to your team throughout the game.