Top Town Hall Level 4 Defenses for an Unbeatable Clash of Clans Strategy

Top Town Hall Level 4 Defenses for an Unbeatable Clash of Clans Strategy


Looking for the best defense strategy for Town Hall Level 4 in Clash of Clans? Check out our guide for expert tips and tricks.

Are you tired of being constantly attacked in Clash of Clans? Are you looking for the best town hall level 4 defense to keep your village safe from enemy raids? Look no further, because we have compiled a comprehensive guide to help you build the ultimate defense for your base!

First and foremost, it is important to understand the basic principles of defense in Clash of Clans. Your defense should ideally be able to withstand attacks from a variety of troops, including archers, giants, and barbarians. You should also consider the placement of your defenses, as well as the type of defenses you use.

One of the most effective defenses at town hall level 4 is the use of walls. Walls are essential for creating barriers that prevent enemy troops from reaching your buildings and resources. Make sure to place your walls strategically, creating chokepoints that funnel enemy troops into areas where they are vulnerable to attack.

Another important aspect of defense is the use of traps. Traps can be used to surprise enemy troops and cause significant damage. Spring traps, for example, can be used to launch unsuspecting troops into the air, leaving them vulnerable to attack from your defenses.

Turrets are also a crucial element of defense. At town hall level 4, the two types of turrets available are archer towers and cannons. Archer towers are ideal for taking down air troops, while cannons are more effective against ground troops.

When placing your turrets, it is important to consider their range. Your turrets should ideally be placed in positions where they can cover as much of your base as possible. In addition, you should consider placing your turrets in pairs, creating overlapping fields of fire that make it difficult for enemy troops to approach your base.

One often overlooked aspect of defense is the use of decorations. Decorations can be used to disguise the location of your traps and turrets, making it more difficult for enemy troops to target them. For example, you could place a decoration in front of a spring trap, making it appear as if it is just a harmless decorative item.

Another effective defense strategy is the use of clan castle troops. Clan castle troops are powerful units that can be donated by members of your clan. These troops can be used to bolster your defense and provide additional firepower against attacking troops.

When choosing clan castle troops, it is important to consider their strengths and weaknesses. Some troops are more effective against certain types of enemy troops, so make sure to choose units that complement your existing defenses.

In addition to these strategies, it is important to constantly upgrade your defenses. Upgrading your walls, turrets, and traps will make them more effective against enemy attacks. Make sure to prioritize your upgrades based on the level of threat posed by different types of enemy troops.

Finally, it is important to remain vigilant. Keep an eye on your base and make adjustments as necessary. Pay attention to the type of troops that are attacking you and adjust your defenses accordingly. With these strategies in mind, you can build the ultimate town hall level 4 defense and protect your village from enemy raids!


Town Hall Level 4 is one of the early stages in Clash of Clans, and it is important to have a strong defense to protect your village from enemy attacks. As a player, you need to upgrade your defenses and strategically place your buildings to prevent the enemy from stealing your resources. In this article, we will discuss the best Town Hall Level 4 defense strategies to help you build a strong base.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into defense strategies, it's essential to understand the basics of building a base in Clash of Clans. The first step is to create a central compartment where you can protect your Town Hall and other vital buildings such as gold and elixir storages. You should also surround this compartment with defensive structures such as cannons, archer towers, and walls to slow down the enemy's progress.

Defensive Building Placement

The key to a successful defense strategy is strategic building placement. One of the most effective ways to defend your base is by placing your defenses in a way that creates overlapping fields of fire. This means that when an enemy unit attacks one defense structure, it will be attacked by another from a different angle, creating a crossfire that can quickly take down the enemy.


Another crucial aspect of defense is using walls to funnel enemy troops towards your defenses. Walls can be used to create chokepoints that force enemy troops to take a longer path to reach your Town Hall. This gives your defenses more time to attack and destroy the enemy.

Best Defense Buildings

Now that we have covered the basics let's look at some of the best defense buildings for a Town Hall Level 4 base.


Cannons are an essential building in any base; they are cheap to build and upgrade and are very effective against ground troops. When placing cannons, make sure they are spread out evenly throughout your base to avoid leaving any weak spots.

Archer Towers

Archer towers are also a great defense building to have in your base. They have a longer range than cannons, making them ideal for targeting enemies from a distance. Make sure that you place them on the outer edges of your base to take down enemy troops as they approach.


Mortars are another excellent defense building. They have a large splash damage area, making them effective against groups of enemy troops. Place them towards the center of your base to cover as much area as possible.

Building Upgrades

Upgrading your buildings is critical to ensuring that your defense remains strong. Focus on upgrading your defenses first, starting with your Cannons and Archer Towers. Upgrade your walls as well, as they are essential in funneling enemy troops towards your defenses.


Traps are also an excellent way to defend your base. Spring traps can be used to launch enemy troops into the air, slowing them down and giving your defenses more time to attack. Bombs can also be used to deal damage to enemy troops when they walk over them.


In conclusion, building a strong base in Clash of Clans takes time and effort, but it's essential if you want to protect your resources and progress through the game. Remember to focus on building a central compartment surrounded by defensive structures and walls. Place your defenses strategically to create overlapping fields of fire, and upgrade them regularly to keep them effective. Finally, don't forget to use traps to slow down enemy troops and give your defenses more time to attack. With these strategies, you'll be able to build a formidable Town Hall Level 4 base.

Introduction to Town Hall Level 4 Defense

In the popular mobile game Clash of Clans, Town Hall Level 4 is a crucial stage where players begin to focus on both resource management and defense. At this level, players start to accumulate more resources, which makes them an attractive target for other players who are looking to raid their base. Therefore, it is essential to have a strong defense at Town Hall Level 4 to protect your resources and progress in the game.

Understanding the Importance of a Strong Defense at Town Hall Level 4

Building a strong defense at Town Hall Level 4 is crucial because it helps to protect your resources from being looted by other players. When you have a weak defense, your base becomes an easy target, and other players can raid your base easily. This puts you at a significant disadvantage, as you will lose resources and progress in the game. Therefore, it is essential to have a strong defense that can withstand attacks from other players.

Top Defensive Structures for Town Hall Level 4

There are several defensive structures that players can use to protect their base at Town Hall Level 4. These include:1. Cannons: Cannons are a great defensive structure that can deal significant damage to ground troops. They are especially effective against Barbarians and Archers, which are commonly used by players at this level.2. Archer Towers: Archer Towers are another great defensive structure that can target both ground and air troops. They are especially effective against Giants and Balloons, which are commonly used by players at this level.3. Mortars: Mortars are an excellent defensive structure that can deal area damage to ground troops. They are especially effective against groups of Barbarians and Archers.4. Walls: Walls are essential at Town Hall Level 4 because they can slow down attacking troops and force them to take longer routes to reach your resources.

The Best Use of Walls at Town Hall Level 4

Walls are one of the most critical defensive structures at Town Hall Level 4. They can slow down attacking troops, which gives your other defensive structures more time to deal damage to them. Therefore, it is essential to use walls effectively.One effective strategy is to create compartments using walls. Compartments are separate areas within your base that are enclosed by walls. By creating compartments, you can force attacking troops to break through several layers of walls to reach your resources. This slows down the attack and gives your defensive structures more time to deal damage to them.

The Role of Traps in Town Hall Level 4 Defense

Traps are another important defensive element in Clash of Clans. They can deal significant damage to attacking troops, which makes them an effective way to defend your base. Some of the most effective traps at Town Hall Level 4 include:1. Bombs: Bombs are small explosive devices that can deal significant damage to ground troops. They are especially effective against groups of Barbarians and Archers.2. Spring Traps: Spring Traps are a great way to deal with Giants and Hog Riders. When activated, they launch the attacking troop into the air, which deals significant damage to them.3. Air Bombs: Air Bombs are an excellent way to deal with air troops such as Balloons. They can deal significant damage to them, which makes them an effective defensive structure.

The Importance of Proper Placement for Defensive Structures

Proper placement of defensive structures is crucial at Town Hall Level 4. The right placement can make all the difference between a successful defense and a failed one. Some tips for proper placement include:1. Spread out your defensive structures: By spreading out your defensive structures, you can cover more ground and make it harder for attacking troops to reach your resources.2. Protect your resources: Make sure that your most valuable resources are well-protected by your defensive structures.3. Place your traps strategically: Traps should be placed in areas where attacking troops are likely to go. For example, you can place spring traps near your walls to deal with Giants and Hog Riders.

Strategies for Defending Against Common Attacks at Town Hall Level 4

At Town Hall Level 4, there are several common attacks that players will face. These include:1. Barbarian and Archer attacks: Barbarians and Archers are commonly used by players at this level. To defend against them, it is essential to have a mix of Cannons, Archer Towers, and Mortars.2. Giant and Healer attacks: Giants and Healers are another common attack strategy at this level. To defend against them, it is essential to have a mix of Cannons, Archer Towers, and Spring Traps.3. Balloon attacks: Balloons are an effective way to attack bases at this level. To defend against them, it is essential to have a mix of Archer Towers and Air Bombs.

Balancing Defense and Resource Management at Town Hall Level 4

Balancing defense and resource management is crucial at Town Hall Level 4. While it is essential to have a strong defense, it is also essential to manage your resources effectively. Some tips for balancing defense and resource management include:1. Upgrade your resource collectors: By upgrading your resource collectors, you can increase the amount of resources you collect each day.2. Focus on upgrading defensive structures: While it is essential to have a mix of defensive structures, it is also important to focus on upgrading them. This will make them more effective at defending your base.3. Prioritize resource protection: Make sure that your most valuable resources are well-protected by your defensive structures.

Tips for Improving Your Town Hall Level 4 Defense Over Time

Improving your Town Hall Level 4 defense over time is essential to progress in the game. Some tips for improving your defense include:1. Experiment with different base designs: Try out different base designs to see what works best for you. You can also check out online forums and YouTube videos for inspiration.2. Upgrade your defensive structures: As you accumulate more resources, make sure to upgrade your defensive structures to make them more effective.3. Stay up-to-date with the latest updates and changes: Clash of Clans is constantly being updated, so it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest changes and updates.

Conclusion: Building the Best Town Hall Level 4 Defense for Your Needs

Building the best Town Hall Level 4 defense for your needs is crucial to progress in Clash of Clans. By understanding the importance of a strong defense, using the right defensive structures and traps, placing them strategically, and balancing defense and resource management, you can create a base that is well-protected and able to withstand attacks from other players. Remember to experiment with different base designs and stay up-to-date with the latest updates and changes to keep your defense strong over time.

Best Town Hall Level 4 Defense

Point of View

As a Clash of Clans player, I believe that the best Town Hall Level 4 defense involves a combination of defensive structures, strategic placement, and troop reinforcement. It is important to have a well-rounded defense that can withstand attacks from various troop compositions.

Pros and Cons


  • Strong defense can protect resources and prevent enemy raids.
  • Effective defense can deter attackers from targeting your base.
  • Well-placed traps can surprise and eliminate enemy troops.


  • Building a strong defense requires a lot of resources and time.
  • Overbuilding defenses can lead to a lack of resources for troop upgrades.
  • An attacker with a higher level Town Hall can easily overpower a Level 4 defense.

Table Comparison

Defense StructureProsCons
CannonHigh damage outputSlow attack speed
Archer TowerLong range attackLow damage against groups of troops
MortarArea damageLong reload time
BombInstant damageCan be triggered prematurely
Spring TrapCan launch enemy troops away from defensesSingle-use trap


In conclusion, the best Town Hall Level 4 defense involves a combination of defensive structures such as cannons, archer towers, mortars, bombs, and spring traps. It is important to strategically place these structures to maximize their effectiveness. However, it is also important to balance defense with troop upgrades to ensure a well-rounded army. Ultimately, a strong defense can protect resources and deter attackers, but it is not foolproof and can be easily overpowered by higher level Town Halls.

Best Town Hall Level 4 Defense

Greetings fellow Clash of Clans players! If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for the best defense strategy for your Town Hall Level 4. Well, look no further because in this article, we will discuss the top defenses that you can implement to keep your base safe from enemy attacks.

Before we dive into the specifics, it is important to understand the concept of base building. In Clash of Clans, your base serves as your stronghold, and it is essential to build a solid defense to protect your resources and trophies from other players. Your Town Hall is the heart of your base, and it is crucial to protect it at all costs. With that said, let's get started with our list of the best Town Hall Level 4 defenses!

The first defense on our list is the wall and funnel strategy. This strategy involves placing walls strategically around your base to create a funnel for enemy troops. By doing this, you force them to move in a specific direction, making it easier for your defenses to target them. Additionally, you can place traps such as bombs and spring traps inside the funnel to deal extra damage to the enemy troops.

The second defense on our list is the cannon cluster strategy. This involves placing multiple cannons in one area to create a concentrated defense. This works well against ground troops, as they will be bombarded with cannon fire from all directions. However, this strategy is vulnerable to air attacks, so it is important to have additional defenses such as archer towers and air defenses to cover your base.

The third defense on our list is the mortar and archer tower combo. This strategy involves placing a mortar and an archer tower close together to cover each other's blind spots. The mortar deals area damage, while the archer tower targets individual troops. By combining these two defenses, you create a deadly combination that is effective against both ground and air attacks.

Another defense strategy that works well for Town Hall Level 4 is the symmetrical base design. This involves creating a base that is mirrored on both sides, with the Town Hall in the center. This strategy makes it more difficult for the enemy to determine which side to attack, as both sides look identical. Additionally, you can place traps and defenses in a symmetrical pattern to create an even stronger defense.

The fifth defense on our list is the trap maze strategy. This involves creating a maze of traps around your base to confuse and damage enemy troops. By placing bombs, spring traps, and giant bombs in a specific pattern, you can create a trap maze that is challenging for the enemy to navigate. This strategy works particularly well against ground troops.

Another effective defense strategy for Town Hall Level 4 is the air defense ring. This involves placing all of your air defenses in a ring around your base to cover all angles of attack. This strategy is effective against air attacks but vulnerable to ground attacks. As such, it is important to have additional ground defenses such as cannons and mortars to cover your base.

The seventh defense on our list is the anti-giant bomb strategy. This involves placing giant bombs in strategic locations around your base to deal massive damage to groups of enemy troops. By placing them near high traffic areas such as walls and funnels, you can catch the enemy off-guard and deal devastating damage.

The eighth defense on our list is the double-layered wall strategy. This involves placing two layers of walls around your base to make it more difficult for the enemy to penetrate. By creating a gap between the walls, you can force the enemy to use additional troops to break through, giving your defenses more time to target them.

The ninth defense on our list is the hidden tesla surprise strategy. This involves hiding your teslas behind other defenses such as cannons or archer towers to catch the enemy off-guard. By doing this, you can deal massive damage to enemy troops that are not expecting it.

Lastly, the tenth defense on our list is the centralized Clan Castle strategy. This involves placing your Clan Castle in the center of your base to make it more difficult for the enemy to lure out your defending troops. By doing this, you can surprise the enemy with a sudden counter-attack and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

In conclusion, there are many effective defense strategies for Town Hall Level 4 in Clash of Clans. By implementing one or more of these strategies, you can build a strong defense that will protect your base from enemy attacks. Remember to always keep your Town Hall protected, as it is the key to unlocking new buildings and upgrades. Good luck and happy clashing!

People Also Ask: Best Town Hall Level 4 Defense

What is Town Hall Level 4?

Town Hall Level 4 (TH4) is a level in the mobile game Clash of Clans where players unlock new buildings, troops, and defenses. It is an early stage in the game where players start to build up their base and protect it from enemy attacks.

What are the Best Defenses for TH4?

There are several defenses that are effective for TH4:

  • Walls - Walls are essential for keeping your base protected. They prevent enemies from entering your base and give your defenses time to attack.
  • Cannons - Cannons are great for taking out ground troops. They have a long range and deal a lot of damage.
  • Mortars - Mortars are great for taking out groups of troops. They have a wide range and deal splash damage.
  • Archer Towers - Archer Towers are good for taking out ground and air troops. They have a long range and deal moderate damage.

What Should I Avoid When Building My TH4 Defense?

When building your TH4 defense, you should avoid:

  1. Leaving gaps in your walls - Gaps in your walls give enemies an easy way into your base.
  2. Clustering your defenses - Clustering your defenses makes them vulnerable to splash damage.
  3. Putting all your defenses in one area - This makes it easy for enemies to take out all your defenses at once.
  4. Not upgrading your defenses - Upgrading your defenses is essential for keeping up with stronger enemies.

How Can I Improve My TH4 Defense?

To improve your TH4 defense, you should:

  • Upgrade your defenses - Upgraded defenses deal more damage and can take more hits.
  • Strategically place your defenses - Place your defenses in a way that covers the most ground and protects your resources.
  • Upgrade your walls - Upgraded walls are harder to break through and give your defenses more time to attack.
  • Use traps - Traps can catch enemies off guard and deal significant damage.