Top 5 Best Pokemon to Counter Exeggutor in Pokemon Go: A Guide to Winning Battles

Top 5 Best Pokemon to Counter Exeggutor in Pokemon Go: A Guide to Winning Battles


Looking for the best Pokemon to take down Exeggutor in Pokemon Go? Look no further than Pinsir, Alakazam, or Dragonite!

Are you struggling to take down an Exeggutor in Pokemon Go? Fear not, as we have compiled a list of the best Pokemon to use against this tough opponent. With its dual grass and psychic typing, Exeggutor is capable of dealing significant damage to a wide range of Pokemon types, making it a formidable foe to take on. But with the right strategy and team composition, you can come out on top and add this powerful Pokemon to your collection.

First on our list is the fire-type Charizard. Its strong fire-type attacks such as Flamethrower and Fire Blast are super effective against Exeggutor's grass typing, allowing you to deal heavy damage quickly. Plus, Charizard's flying typing gives it an edge against Exeggutor's psychic moves, making it a versatile and powerful choice.

Another great option is the electric-type Jolteon. With its high speed and special attack stats, Jolteon can quickly take down Exeggutor with its electric-type moves like Thunderbolt and Discharge. Additionally, Jolteon's electric typing makes it immune to Exeggutor's grass moves, giving you an even greater advantage in battle.

If you're looking for a more defensive option, consider using the water-type Vaporeon. With its high HP and special defense stats, Vaporeon can withstand Exeggutor's attacks while dealing significant damage with its water-type moves like Aqua Tail and Hydro Pump. And since water is resistant to grass, Vaporeon can easily shrug off Exeggutor's grass-type moves.

For those who prefer a more strategic approach, the psychic-type Alakazam is an excellent choice. With its high special attack and speed stats, Alakazam can deal heavy damage to Exeggutor with its psychic-type moves like Psychic and Psybeam. And since psychic is super effective against both grass and psychic types, Alakazam can quickly take down Exeggutor while also defending against its attacks.

Another strong option is the dragon-type Dragonite. With its high attack and special attack stats, Dragonite can deal significant damage with its dragon-type moves like Dragon Claw and Outrage. And since dragon is resistant to grass and immune to psychic, Dragonite can easily withstand Exeggutor's attacks while dishing out heavy hits.

If you're looking for a more unconventional choice, consider using the bug-type Scizor. With its steel typing, Scizor is immune to Exeggutor's poison powder move, giving it an advantage in battle. Additionally, Scizor's high attack and defense stats make it a formidable opponent, capable of dealing significant damage with its bug-type moves like X-Scissor and Bug Bite.

For a more defensive option, the ground-type Golem is an excellent choice. With its high defense and special defense stats, Golem can withstand Exeggutor's attacks while dealing significant damage with its ground-type moves like Earthquake and Dig. And since ground is super effective against Exeggutor's dual typing, Golem can quickly take down this tough opponent.

Another unconventional choice is the poison-type Gengar. With its ghost typing, Gengar is immune to Exeggutor's normal and fighting-type moves, making it a formidable opponent. Additionally, Gengar's high speed and special attack stats make it capable of dealing significant damage with its poison-type moves like Sludge Bomb and Gunk Shot.

If you're looking for a more specialized option, the flying-type Pidgeot is a great choice. With its high speed and attack stats, Pidgeot can quickly take down Exeggutor with its flying-type moves like Hurricane and Aerial Ace. Additionally, Pidgeot's flying typing gives it an edge against Exeggutor's grass moves, making it a versatile and powerful choice.

Finally, the fighting-type Machamp is a strong choice for those who prefer a more physical approach. With its high attack stat and access to powerful fighting-type moves like Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch, Machamp can quickly take down Exeggutor with ease. And since fighting is super effective against both grass and psychic types, Machamp can easily defend against Exeggutor's attacks while dealing significant damage.

In conclusion, while Exeggutor may be a tough opponent to take down, there are many great Pokemon options available to help you come out on top. Whether you prefer a defensive or offensive approach, there is sure to be a Pokemon on this list that suits your playstyle. So get out there and catch 'em all!


Exeggutor is one of the most challenging Pokemon to beat in Pokemon Go. This grass and psychic type Pokemon has a high CP and is capable of dealing massive damage to its opponents. However, some Pokemon have an advantage over this formidable foe. In this article, we will discuss the best Pokemon against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go.


Dragonite is one of the best Pokemon to use against Exeggutor. This dragon and flying type Pokemon has a high attack stat and can deal massive damage with its Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw moves. Additionally, Dragonite has a high HP stat, making it capable of withstanding Exeggutor's attacks.


Dragon BreathDragon Claw


Gyarados is another excellent choice to use against Exeggutor. This water and flying type Pokemon has a high attack stat and can use its Bite and Hydro Pump moves to deal massive damage. Gyarados also has a high HP stat, making it a durable option against Exeggutor.


BiteHydro Pump


Tyranitar is a powerful dark and rock type Pokemon that can go toe-to-toe with Exeggutor. With its high attack and defense stats, Tyranitar can dish out massive damage while withstanding Exeggutor's attacks. Additionally, Tyranitar's Stone Edge move is super effective against Exeggutor.


BiteStone Edge


Machamp is a fighting type Pokemon that can take down Exeggutor with ease. With its high attack stat, Machamp can deal massive damage to Exeggutor while withstanding its attacks. Machamp's Close Combat move is super effective against Exeggutor.


CounterClose Combat


Vaporeon is a water type Pokemon that can withstand Exeggutor's attacks while dealing massive damage. With its high HP stat, Vaporeon can take a lot of hits from Exeggutor. Additionally, Vaporeon's Aqua Tail move is super effective against Exeggutor.


Water GunAqua Tail


Scizor is a bug and steel type Pokemon that can deal massive damage to Exeggutor. With its high attack stat and resistance to grass and psychic type moves, Scizor can take down Exeggutor with ease. Additionally, Scizor's Fury Cutter move is super effective against Exeggutor.


Fury CutterX-Scissor


Espeon is a psychic type Pokemon that can take down Exeggutor with ease. With its high special attack and defense stats, Espeon can deal massive damage to Exeggutor while withstanding its attacks. Additionally, Espeon's Zen Headbutt move is super effective against Exeggutor.


ConfusionZen Headbutt


Flareon is a fire type Pokemon that can go toe-to-toe with Exeggutor. With its high attack stat and resistance to grass type moves, Flareon can deal massive damage to Exeggutor while withstanding its attacks. Additionally, Flareon's Fire Fang move is super effective against Exeggutor.


Fire SpinFire Blast


Charizard is a fire and flying type Pokemon that can take down Exeggutor with ease. With its high attack and special attack stats, Charizard can deal massive damage to Exeggutor while withstanding its attacks. Additionally, Charizard's Fire Spin move is super effective against Exeggutor.


Fire SpinOverheat


In conclusion, these are the best Pokemon to use against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go. Dragonite, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Machamp, Vaporeon, Scizor, Espeon, Flareon, and Charizard are all excellent options to take down this formidable foe. So, if you're looking to defeat Exeggutor, be sure to choose one of these powerful Pokemon.
The Power of Fighting Type Pokemon Against Exeggutor in Pokemon GoExeggutor is a powerful and versatile Pokemon that can be tricky to defeat in Pokemon Go. This Grass/Psychic-type creature has a high defense and attack, making it a formidable opponent. However, there are several types of Pokemon that can knock out Exeggutor with ease. In this article, we will explore the best Pokemon types to use against Exeggutor and provide some specific examples of each type.Top Fire Type Pokemon to Take Down Exeggutor in Pokemon GoFire-type Pokemon are known for their ability to burn through tough opponents, and Exeggutor is no exception. Some of the best Fire-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Charizard, Arcanine, and Flareon. These Pokemon have high attack stats and strong Fire-type moves like Flamethrower and Fire Blast that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.The Best Grass Type Pokemon to Battle Against Exeggutor in Pokemon GoWhile Exeggutor is a Grass-type Pokemon, there are several other Grass-type creatures that can take it down. Some of the best Grass-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Venusaur, Meganium, and Sceptile. These Pokemon have high defense stats and powerful Grass-type moves like Solar Beam and Leaf Blade that can deal heavy damage to Exeggutor.Electric Type Pokemon That Can Knock Out Exeggutor in Pokemon GoElectric-type Pokemon are also effective against Exeggutor due to its weakness to this type. Some of the best Electric-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Jolteon, Raikou, and Zapdos. These Pokemon have high speed and special attack stats and strong Electric-type moves like Thunderbolt and Thunder that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.Water Type Pokemon That Are Effective Against Exeggutor in Pokemon GoWater-type Pokemon are another good option for taking down Exeggutor. Some of the best Water-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Blastoise, Vaporeon, and Suicune. These Pokemon have high defense stats and powerful Water-type moves like Hydro Pump and Surf that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor. Psychic Type Pokemon to Use Against Exeggutor in Pokemon GoWhile Exeggutor is a Psychic-type Pokemon itself, there are several other Psychic-type creatures that can take it down. Some of the best Psychic-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Alakazam, Espeon, and Mewtwo. These Pokemon have high special attack stats and strong Psychic-type moves like Psychic and Psybeam that can deal heavy damage to Exeggutor.Dark Type Pokemon to Consider When Fighting Exeggutor in Pokemon GoDark-type Pokemon are also effective against Exeggutor due to its weakness to this type. Some of the best Dark-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Tyranitar, Umbreon, and Houndoom. These Pokemon have high defense and attack stats and strong Dark-type moves like Crunch and Foul Play that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.Ice Type Pokemon That Can Defeat Exeggutor in Pokemon GoIce-type Pokemon are another good option for taking down Exeggutor. Some of the best Ice-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Lapras, Articuno, and Jynx. These Pokemon have high special attack stats and powerful Ice-type moves like Blizzard and Ice Beam that can deal heavy damage to Exeggutor.Flying Type Pokemon to Take Down Exeggutor in Pokemon GoFlying-type Pokemon are also effective against Exeggutor due to its weakness to this type. Some of the best Flying-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Dragonite, Charizard, and Pidgeot. These Pokemon have high speed and attack stats and strong Flying-type moves like Hurricane and Aerial Ace that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.Fairy Type Pokemon That Can Take on Exeggutor in Pokemon GoFairy-type Pokemon are also effective against Exeggutor due to its weakness to this type. Some of the best Fairy-type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor include Gardevoir, Togekiss, and Clefable. These Pokemon have high special defense stats and powerful Fairy-type moves like Moonblast and Dazzling Gleam that can deal heavy damage to Exeggutor.In conclusion, there are several types of Pokemon that can take down Exeggutor in Pokemon Go. Whether you choose to use Fire-type, Grass-type, Electric-type, Water-type, Psychic-type, Dark-type, Ice-type, Flying-type, or Fairy-type Pokemon, be sure to choose a creature with high stats and powerful moves that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you can defeat this formidable opponent and add it to your collection.

Best Pokemon against Exeggutor in Pokemon GO

Point of View

As an avid Pokemon GO player, I believe that the best Pokemon to use against Exeggutor is Machamp.

Pros and Cons of Using Machamp


  • Machamp has a high attack stat and can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.
  • Machamp's Fighting type attacks are super effective against Exeggutor's Grass/Psychic type combination.
  • Machamp has a lot of HP, making it a durable choice for battles against Exeggutor.


  • Machamp is weak against Exeggutor's Psychic attacks, so it's important to time your attacks carefully.
  • Machamp is a rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO, so it may be difficult to find and train one with high CP.

Comparison of Machamp to Other Pokemon

Pokemon Pros Cons
Machamp High attack stat, Fighting type attacks are super effective, high HP Weak against Psychic attacks, rare in Pokemon GO
Gyarados Water type attacks are super effective, high HP Not super effective against Exeggutor's Grass/Psychic type combination, weak against Psychic attacks
Dragonite High attack stat, Dragon type attacks are super effective Not super effective against Exeggutor's Grass/Psychic type combination, weak against Psychic attacks
Overall, while there are other Pokemon that can be effective against Exeggutor, I believe that Machamp is the best choice due to its high attack stat, super effective Fighting type attacks, and durability in battle. It's important to consider the pros and cons of using each Pokemon and choose the one that best fits your play style and team composition.

The Best Pokemon to Use Against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go

Greetings, fellow Pokemon trainers! We hope that you have enjoyed reading our comprehensive guide on the best Pokemon to use against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go. We have covered everything from Exeggutor's strengths and weaknesses to the best movesets and counters that you can use to take it down.

As you know, Exeggutor is a Grass/Psychic type Pokemon that can be quite challenging to defeat in battle. It has a high HP and defense stat, making it difficult to take down with just any Pokemon. However, with the right strategy and knowledge, you can easily defeat Exeggutor and add it to your Pokedex.

We highly recommend using Pokemon that have type advantages against Exeggutor. For example, Fire, Flying, Ice, Bug, and Dark type Pokemon are all strong against Exeggutor. In this article, we have highlighted some of the best Pokemon that you can use to take down this formidable opponent.

If you're looking for a Fire type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor, we suggest Charizard. Charizard has a powerful Fire type move called Fire Spin that can deal significant damage to Exeggutor. Its Flying type also gives it an advantage over Exeggutor's Grass type attacks.

Another great option is Moltres, a legendary Fire/Flying type Pokemon. Moltres has access to moves like Sky Attack and Overheat, which can quickly take down Exeggutor. Plus, its high attack stat makes it a formidable opponent in battle.

If you prefer Ice type Pokemon, we recommend using Lapras. Lapras is a Water/Ice type Pokemon that can learn Ice Beam, a powerful move that can easily take down Exeggutor. Additionally, Lapras has a high HP stat, making it a great choice for longer battles.

For players who are looking for a Flying type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor, we suggest Pidgeot. Pidgeot's high speed and access to moves like Wing Attack and Hurricane make it an excellent choice for taking down Exeggutor. Its Normal/Flying typing also gives it an advantage over Exeggutor's Grass type attacks.

If you're looking for a Bug type Pokemon to use against Exeggutor, we recommend Scizor. Scizor has access to moves like Bullet Punch and X-Scissor, which can deal significant damage to Exeggutor. Its Steel/Bug typing also gives it resistance against Exeggutor's Psychic type attacks.

Lastly, if you prefer Dark type Pokemon, we suggest Tyranitar. Tyranitar's high attack and defense stats make it a formidable opponent in battle. It has access to moves like Crunch and Stone Edge, which can quickly take down Exeggutor. Additionally, its Dark/Rock typing gives it resistance against Exeggutor's Psychic type attacks.

We hope that you have found this guide helpful in your Pokemon Go battles against Exeggutor. Remember to always have a diverse team of Pokemon with you and to use type advantages to your advantage. Good luck on your journey to becoming the best Pokemon trainer!

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we hope to see you again soon!

People also ask about Best Pokemon against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go

What is Exeggutor in Pokemon Go?

Exeggutor is a dual-type Grass/Psychic Pokemon that evolves from Exeggcute. It is a popular Pokemon in the game due to its high CP and powerful movesets.

What are the weaknesses of Exeggutor in Pokemon Go?

Exeggutor is weak against Bug, Ice, Fire, Flying, and Dark type moves in Pokemon Go.

What are the best Pokemon against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go?

There are several Pokemon that can be effective against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go. Some of the best options include:

  1. Moltres: This Fire/Flying type Pokemon is one of the best counters to Exeggutor. Its Fire type moves like Fire Spin and Overheat can deal massive damage to Exeggutor.
  2. Tyranitar: This Rock/Dark type Pokemon is another great option against Exeggutor. Its Dark type moves like Bite and Crunch can deal super effective damage to Exeggutor.
  3. Articuno: This Ice/Flying type Pokemon is also a good choice against Exeggutor. Its Ice type moves like Frost Breath and Blizzard can deal massive damage to Exeggutor.
  4. Charizard: This Fire/Flying type Pokemon is a solid counter to Exeggutor. Its Fire type moves like Fire Spin and Blast Burn can deal significant damage to Exeggutor.
  5. Dragonite: This Dragon/Flying type Pokemon can also be effective against Exeggutor. Its Dragon type moves like Dragon Breath and Outrage can deal super effective damage to Exeggutor.


If you are looking for the best Pokemon against Exeggutor in Pokemon Go, consider using Moltres, Tyranitar, Articuno, Charizard, or Dragonite. These Pokemon have the right movesets and types to take down Exeggutor with ease.