The Worst of the Best: Exploring the Cult Classic Miami Connection

The Worst of the Best: Exploring the Cult Classic Miami Connection


Discover the hilariously bad film Miami Connection. A cult classic featuring martial arts, rock music, and a plot that's so bad, it's good.

Miami Connection is a 1987 martial arts film that has gained a cult following for being one of the best of the worst movies ever made. The film was directed, produced, and starred in by Y.K. Kim, a Korean martial artist and businessman. The movie follows the story of a group of orphaned Taekwondo students who form a band and fight against drug dealers in Miami. Despite its low budget, poor acting, and awkward dialogue, Miami Connection has become a beloved film for its unintentional humor and cheesy charm.

From the opening scene of Miami Connection, it's clear that this movie is going to be a wild ride. The film starts with a group of motorcycle ninjas attacking a drug deal, only to be stopped by a group of Taekwondo fighters led by Y.K. Kim. The scene is over-the-top and ridiculous, setting the tone for the rest of the movie. As the story unfolds, the audience is treated to a series of bizarre plot twists, such as a subplot about a rock band that's never explained and a villainous drug lord who sings about his evil plans.

One of the most memorable aspects of Miami Connection is its soundtrack. The movie's music was composed by Lloyd Kaufman, the founder of Troma Entertainment. The songs are a mix of synth-pop, rock, and new wave, with lyrics that range from inspirational to nonsensical. The most famous song from the movie is Friends, which plays during a montage of the Taekwondo students bonding and practicing their moves. The song has become a meme and is often used ironically on social media.

Despite its flaws, Miami Connection has a certain charm that has made it a cult classic. The film's director, Y.K. Kim, has embraced its popularity and has even gone on tour to promote it. In interviews, Kim has expressed his gratitude for the film's fans and his love for the martial arts. He has also hinted at the possibility of a sequel, which would undoubtedly be just as ridiculous as the original.

One of the reasons why Miami Connection has become so beloved is its unintentional humor. The movie's dialogue is stilted and awkward, with characters delivering lines that make no sense or are just plain bizarre. For example, in one scene, Y.K. Kim's character states, Only through the elimination of violence can we achieve world peace. The line is delivered with such seriousness that it's hard not to laugh.

In addition to its unintentional humor, Miami Connection also has some genuinely entertaining fight scenes. Y.K. Kim and his fellow Taekwondo fighters perform some impressive moves, despite the fact that they're often fighting against actors who have no martial arts training. The fights are choreographed in a way that's both silly and exciting, with exaggerated movements and sound effects.

Another reason why Miami Connection has gained a cult following is its status as a so bad it's good movie. The film's low budget and amateurish production values are apparent throughout, from the cheap sets to the inconsistent sound quality. However, these flaws only add to the movie's charm and make it a fun watch for fans of bad movies.

Despite its flaws, Miami Connection has some positive messages about friendship, loyalty, and the power of martial arts. The movie's main characters are a group of orphaned students who have formed a family through their shared passion for Taekwondo. They support each other through tough times and work together to take down the film's villains. While the movie's execution may be clumsy, its heart is in the right place.

In conclusion, Miami Connection is a movie that defies categorization. It's a martial arts film, a rock musical, and a comedy all rolled into one. While it may not be a masterpiece of cinema, it's a fun and entertaining movie that has earned its place as a cult classic. Whether you're a fan of bad movies or just looking for something different to watch, Miami Connection is definitely worth checking out.


Miami Connection is a 1987 martial arts action film that has gained a cult following for being so bad it's good. The film was produced, directed, and written by Y.K. Kim, who also starred in the movie. Despite its low budget and poor production quality, Miami Connection continues to be a beloved cult classic among fans of bad movies.

The Plot

Miami Connection follows the story of a group of college students who also happen to be members of a band called Dragon Sound. The band members are all martial artists and they find themselves being targeted by a gang of bikers who are involved in drug trafficking. Along the way, they also have to deal with a rival band, ninjas, and a showdown with the main villain, a drug lord named Jeff. The plot is convoluted and often nonsensical, but it's part of what makes the movie so entertaining.

The Music

One of the standout features of Miami Connection is its soundtrack. The music was also composed by Y.K. Kim, and it's a mix of 80s synth-pop and cheesy rock ballads. The songs are catchy and memorable, even if they don't necessarily fit with the tone of the movie at times. The most famous song from the soundtrack is Friends, which has become something of an anthem for fans of the movie.

The Acting

The acting in Miami Connection is notoriously bad. Y.K. Kim, who plays the lead character of Mark, was not a trained actor and it shows. The other members of Dragon Sound are played by his real-life martial arts students and their performances are similarly wooden. However, it's this lack of skill that makes the characters endearing and adds to the charm of the movie.

The Fight Scenes

For a movie about martial artists, the fight scenes in Miami Connection are surprisingly lackluster. The choreography is awkward and the editing is choppy, making it difficult to follow the action. However, there are some memorable moments, such as when one of the characters takes on a group of ninjas armed only with a katana.

The Dialogue

The dialogue in Miami Connection is often unintentionally hilarious. There are numerous instances of cheesy one-liners, awkward pauses, and stilted delivery. One of the most famous lines from the movie is Only through the elimination of violence can we achieve world peace.

The Fashion

Miami Connection was filmed in the 80s, and the fashion choices reflect that. The characters are often seen wearing brightly colored spandex and headbands, and there are plenty of mullets to go around. The costumes are garish and over-the-top, adding to the overall campiness of the movie.

The Locations

Miami Connection was filmed on location in Orlando, Florida, and it shows. The movie takes place in Miami, but many of the locations are clearly not in Miami. There are also several scenes set in a nightclub, which was actually a real nightclub in Orlando at the time. Despite the inaccuracies, the locations add to the charm of the movie and give it a unique sense of place.

The Message

Despite its flaws, Miami Connection does have a positive message. The movie is about the power of friendship and how it can overcome even the most difficult obstacles. The members of Dragon Sound are all from different backgrounds, but they come together to form a tight-knit group that supports each other through thick and thin. It's a heartwarming message that adds to the appeal of the movie.

The Legacy

Miami Connection was largely forgotten after its initial release in 1987. However, in the years since, it has gained a devoted following of fans who appreciate it for its campy charm. The movie has been screened at film festivals and midnight movie events around the world. In 2012, Drafthouse Films re-released the movie on Blu-ray and DVD, introducing it to a new generation of fans. Miami Connection may be a bad movie, but it's also a beloved classic that continues to entertain audiences to this day.


Miami Connection is a movie that defies easy categorization. It's not a good movie by any traditional standards, but it's also not a bad movie in the sense that it's boring or unwatchable. Instead, it's a movie that's so bad it's good, a cult classic that has earned a place in the pantheon of great bad movies. Whether you're a fan of martial arts movies, 80s nostalgia, or just enjoy a good laugh, Miami Connection is a must-see movie that will leave you entertained and maybe even a little bit inspired.

The Best of the Worst: Miami Connection

Some movies are so bad that they are good. Miami Connection is one such movie. Released in 1987, this martial arts film was a commercial failure, but has since become a cult classic. It is famous for its laughably bad acting, incoherent plot, and cheesy synthesized music. However, despite its many flaws, Miami Connection has a certain charm that makes it entertaining to watch.

The Plot: A Bonkers, Incoherent Mess

The plot of Miami Connection is difficult to follow, to say the least. It involves a group of Taekwondo students who perform at nightclubs to earn extra money. They also happen to be in a band called Dragon Sound. However, their peaceful existence is disrupted when they become embroiled in a turf war with a group of drug-dealing ninjas. The story is full of random subplots and bizarre twists that make little sense.

Acting: Wooden and Uninspired Performances

The acting in Miami Connection is uniformly bad. The actors deliver their lines with wooden, robotic expressions, as if they are reading from cue cards. The dialogue is stilted and unnatural, making it difficult to take any of the characters seriously. Even the emotional scenes fall flat, leaving the viewer feeling nothing but confused.

Cinematography: Poorly Framed Shots and Dull Visuals

The cinematography in Miami Connection is amateurish at best. The camera work is sloppy, with poorly framed shots and shaky cam. The lighting is often too dim, making it difficult to see what is happening on screen. The visuals are dull and uninteresting, with little attention paid to composition or color.

Dialogue: Hilariously Bad One-Liners and Awkward Exchanges

The dialogue in Miami Connection is unintentionally hilarious. The characters spout off cheesy one-liners that are so bad they're good. The exchanges between characters are often awkward and stilted, adding to the overall campy feel of the film.

Music: Cheesy Synth Tracks That Feel Out of Place

The music in Miami Connection is as cheesy as it gets. The synthesized tracks feel out of place in a martial arts movie, but somehow add to the film's charm. The songs performed by Dragon Sound are catchy in a kitschy sort of way, making them memorable long after the movie is over.

Editing: Choppy and Disorienting Cuts

The editing in Miami Connection is choppy and disorienting. Scenes often cut abruptly, leaving the viewer wondering what just happened. This only adds to the already confusing plot, making it difficult to follow the story from beginning to end.

Fight Scenes: Clumsy and Unconvincing Brawls

The fight scenes in Miami Connection are clumsy and unconvincing. The actors clearly have little martial arts training, and the choreography is laughably bad. However, this only adds to the film's so-bad-it's-good appeal, making the fight scenes some of the most entertaining parts of the movie.

Characters: Bland and One-Dimensional with No Depth

The characters in Miami Connection are all one-dimensional and lack any real depth. The heroes are all impossibly perfect, while the villains are cartoonishly evil. There is no nuance or complexity to any of the characters, making it difficult to care about their fates.

Direction: Lack of Vision and Poor Execution

The direction in Miami Connection is lackluster at best. The director seems to have had no real vision for the film, resulting in a disjointed mess of a movie. The pacing is slow in some parts and frenetic in others, making it difficult to get a sense of the overall tone.

Overall Experience: So Bad It's Good or Just Plain Bad?

Miami Connection is a movie that is so bad it's good. It is a perfect example of a cult classic, with its cheesy music, bad acting, and laughably bad fight scenes. However, it is not a movie that everyone will enjoy. Those looking for a well-crafted martial arts film will be sorely disappointed. But for those who enjoy a good bad movie, Miami Connection is a must-see.

In conclusion, Miami Connection is a movie that defies explanation. It is a mess of a film, with a plot that makes no sense, acting that is wooden and uninspired, and cinematography that is amateurish at best. However, despite all of its flaws, it is a movie that is impossible to forget. It is a movie that is so bad it's good, and that is what makes it a cult classic.

The Best of the Worst: Miami Connection

Point of View

As an AI language model, I don't have a personal point of view, but I can provide a general perspective on the film. Miami Connection is a 1987 action movie that has gained cult status for its so-bad-it's-good qualities. It tells the story of a rock band that also doubles as a group of martial artists, who fight against a gang of drug dealers. The movie features low-budget special effects, cheesy dialogue, and amateurish acting, which have made it a favorite among lovers of bad movies.

Pros of Miami Connection

  • The movie is unintentionally hilarious, with many scenes that are so ridiculous they're entertaining.
  • The soundtrack, which was performed by the band featured in the movie, Dragon Sound, is surprisingly catchy and fun to listen to.
  • The movie is a time capsule of the late 80s, with its fashion, music, and cultural references.

Cons of Miami Connection

  • The movie is poorly made, with choppy editing, bad lighting, and awkward camera angles.
  • The acting is wooden and amateurish, with actors delivering lines in a stilted and unnatural way.
  • The movie can be offensive at times, with stereotypical portrayals of Asian characters and gratuitous violence.

Table Comparison of Miami Connection

Aspect Miami Connection Other Cult Movies
Production Values Low-budget, amateurish Varies
Acting Poor, wooden, amateurish Varies
Story Ridiculous, cheesy, entertaining Varies
Cult Status Highly regarded among lovers of bad movies Varies
In conclusion, Miami Connection is a prime example of a cult movie that has gained a following due to its terrible production values and unintentional humor. While it may not be a good movie in the traditional sense, it is certainly entertaining and enjoyable for those who appreciate the so-bad-it's-good genre. However, it's important to acknowledge the movie's flaws and problematic elements, such as its stereotypical portrayal of Asian characters and gratuitous violence.

The Best of the Worst Miami Connection: A Final Word

Thank you for taking the time to read through our comprehensive article on the best of the worst Miami connection. We hope that we have provided you with some intriguing insights into the underbelly of this vibrant and sometimes dangerous city.

We started off by exploring the seamy side of Miami, the crime-ridden neighborhoods that are home to some of the most notorious gangs and drug dealers in the country. From there, we delved deeper into the dark world of human trafficking, a problem that is unfortunately all too common in Miami.

Despite these grim realities, we also discovered that Miami has much to offer visitors who are looking for a taste of the exotic. The city's vibrant art scene, sizzling nightlife, and stunning beaches are just a few of the attractions that draw millions of tourists every year.

As we explored the many facets of Miami, we were struck by the contrasts between the city's gritty streets and its glamorous high life. But we also found that these two worlds are not as far apart as they might seem at first glance.

For example, the world of drug trafficking and money laundering that we explored in our article is intimately connected to the city's luxury real estate market. Many of the mansions and condos that line Miami's beaches are owned by people with ties to organized crime, and these properties are often used to launder illegal funds.

Despite these connections, however, Miami remains a fascinating and alluring destination for travelers from around the world. Whether you're interested in exploring the city's rich cultural heritage, soaking up the sun on one of its many beaches, or simply enjoying its legendary nightlife, there is something for everyone in Miami.

Of course, as with any big city, it's important to be aware of the dangers that lurk beneath the surface. Whether you're walking around after dark or simply exploring some of the city's more run-down neighborhoods, it pays to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

But if you're willing to take the time to explore all that Miami has to offer, we think you'll find that it's a city that rewards those who are willing to look beyond the surface. From its vibrant art scene to its rich cultural heritage, there is always something new and exciting to discover in Miami.

So if you're planning a trip to this fascinating city, we hope that our article has given you some useful insights into what to expect. Whether you're coming for business or pleasure, we think that Miami will leave a lasting impression that you won't soon forget.

Thank you once again for joining us on this journey through the best of the worst Miami connection. We hope that you've enjoyed reading our article as much as we enjoyed researching and writing it. And we hope that you'll continue to follow our blog for more insights into the fascinating and often surprising worlds that surround us.

People Also Ask About Best of the Worst Miami Connection

What is Best of the Worst Miami Connection?

Best of the Worst Miami Connection is an episode of the web series Best of the Worst, produced by RedLetterMedia. It features a panel of reviewers watching and discussing the 1987 martial arts film Miami Connection.

Who stars in Miami Connection?

Miami Connection stars Y.K. Kim, who also wrote and produced the film. He plays the lead character, Mark, who is the leader of a band called Dragon Sound. The film also features several members of Kim's martial arts school, who serve as the other members of Dragon Sound.

Is Miami Connection a good movie?

Miami Connection is widely regarded as a so-bad-it's-good movie. While it received poor reviews upon its initial release, it has gained a cult following over the years for its cheesy dialogue, amateurish acting, and over-the-top fight scenes.

What is the plot of Miami Connection?

Miami Connection follows the adventures of Dragon Sound, a band that is also skilled in martial arts. When they are targeted by a group of drug-dealing ninjas, they must use their skills to defend themselves and protect their community.

Is Best of the Worst Miami Connection worth watching?

Yes, Best of the Worst Miami Connection is worth watching if you enjoy cheesy, low-budget movies and the irreverent humor of the RedLetterMedia crew. The episode features hilarious commentary and reaction shots from the panel, as well as clips from the movie itself.

Where can I watch Best of the Worst Miami Connection?

Best of the Worst Miami Connection is available to watch on the RedLetterMedia website, as well as on their YouTube channel. The full episode is also available for purchase on DVD and Blu-ray.