The Ultimate Guide to the Best Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake for Superior Performance!

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake for Superior Performance!


The best handgun in the Resident Evil 2 remake is the Matilda. It can be upgraded to fire three shots at once and has a high capacity magazine.

The Resident Evil 2 Remake is a survival horror game that was released in 2019. The game is a remake of the original Resident Evil 2, which was released in 1998. One of the most important weapons in the game is the handgun. The handgun is the player's primary weapon and is essential for survival. In this article, we'll be discussing the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Firstly, let's talk about the standard handgun in the game. The Matilda is a 9mm handgun that is easy to find and is available in the early stages of the game. It has a 15 round magazine and can be upgraded to have a burst-fire mode. However, while it may be easy to find and upgrade, it's not the best handgun in the game.

The best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake is the Samurai Edge. This handgun is a custom-made Colt M1911 pistol that was specially made for the elite S.T.A.R.S. members. It has a 10 round magazine and deals more damage than the Matilda. The Samurai Edge can be found in the game through various means. Playing on Hardcore difficulty will reward the player with a Samurai Edge at the start of the game. Alternatively, the player can complete the game on Standard difficulty to unlock the Samurai Edge with infinite ammo.

Another reason why the Samurai Edge is the best handgun in the game is its upgrades. The gun can be upgraded to have increased damage and accuracy, making it a formidable weapon against the game's toughest enemies. Additionally, the gun's upgrade options are limited, ensuring that the player doesn't waste their resources on unnecessary upgrades.

The Samurai Edge also has a unique feature that sets it apart from other handguns in the game. It has a built-in suppressor that reduces the gun's noise. This is incredibly useful in situations where the player wants to avoid alerting enemies.

When it comes to using the Samurai Edge, the gun's accuracy and damage make it an excellent choice for taking out enemies from afar. Additionally, the gun's low recoil makes it easy to use for headshots, which deal more damage to enemies. However, it's important to note that the Samurai Edge is not a one-shot kill weapon, and the player may need to use multiple rounds to take down an enemy.

Overall, the Samurai Edge is the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Its high damage, accuracy, and upgrade options make it a formidable weapon against the game's toughest enemies. Additionally, its unique suppressor feature is incredibly useful for avoiding detection. In a game where survival is key, having the best weapons at your disposal can mean the difference between life and death.


Resident Evil 2 is a game that has stood the test of time. It was first released in 1998 and quickly became a classic among gamers. The game was remade in 2019, and it has once again captured the hearts of gamers around the world. One of the most important weapons in the game is the handgun. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake.

The Importance of the Handgun

The handgun is the most basic weapon in Resident Evil 2. It is the weapon that you start with, and it is the one that you will rely on the most throughout the game. The handgun is not as powerful as some of the other weapons, but it is accurate and reliable. You can use it to take down zombies, and it is also effective against some of the other enemies that you will encounter.

The Different Types of Handguns

In Resident Evil 2 remake, there are two main types of handguns: the Matilda and the Samurai Edge. The Matilda is a custom-made handgun that was designed for Leon Kennedy. It has a burst-fire mode that allows you to shoot three rounds in quick succession. The Samurai Edge, on the other hand, is a handgun that was designed for Jill Valentine. It is more powerful than the Matilda, but it does not have a burst-fire mode.

The Best Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake

The Matilda

The Matilda is arguably the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake. It has a burst-fire mode that makes it very effective against groups of enemies. The Matilda also has a high ammo capacity, which means that you can fire more shots before you need to reload. This is especially useful when you are facing a large number of enemies.

The Samurai Edge

The Samurai Edge is also a great handgun, but it is not as versatile as the Matilda. It is more powerful than the Matilda, but it does not have a burst-fire mode. This makes it less effective against groups of enemies. The Samurai Edge also has a lower ammo capacity, which means that you will need to reload more often.

Upgrades for the Handgun

In Resident Evil 2 remake, you can upgrade your handgun to make it more powerful. You can increase its damage output, improve its accuracy, and increase its ammo capacity. These upgrades can make a big difference in how effective your handgun is in combat. If you are planning on using your handgun throughout the game, it is a good idea to invest in some upgrades.

Using the Handgun Effectively

When using the handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, aim for the head. Zombies take more damage when you shoot them in the head, so this is the most effective way to take them down. Second, conserve your ammo. You do not want to run out of ammo in the middle of a fight, so try to use your handgun only when you need to. Finally, practice your aim. The more accurate you are with your handgun, the more effective it will be in combat.


The handgun is an essential weapon in Resident Evil 2 remake. It is the weapon that you will rely on the most throughout the game. While both the Matilda and the Samurai Edge are great handguns, the Matilda is arguably the best. It has a burst-fire mode that makes it very effective against groups of enemies, and it has a high ammo capacity. If you are planning on using your handgun throughout the game, it is a good idea to invest in some upgrades to make it more powerful. Remember to aim for the head, conserve your ammo, and practice your aim to make the most of your handgun.

The Handgun: A Trusty Companion in Resident Evil 2 Remake

Resident Evil 2 Remake is a survival horror game that requires players to use strategy and skill to make it through the various challenges presented within the game. One of the most important tools in your arsenal is the handgun. This trusty companion serves as your primary weapon throughout the game, and it's essential to know how to use it effectively.

Why the Handgun is a Must-Have in Resident Evil 2 Remake

The handgun is a must-have weapon in Resident Evil 2 Remake for several reasons. First and foremost, it's the most versatile weapon in the game. The handgun can be used in close-range combat, as well as long-range combat, making it an ideal weapon in most situations. Additionally, the handgun is much more accurate than other weapons, such as shotguns and grenade launchers, which can be unwieldy and difficult to aim.Another reason why the handgun is a must-have weapon in Resident Evil 2 Remake is that it's readily available throughout the game. You'll find handgun ammo scattered throughout the various levels, ensuring that you always have a steady supply of ammunition for your trusty weapon.

The Best Handgun for Beginners in Resident Evil 2 Remake

If you're new to Resident Evil 2 Remake, you might be wondering which handgun is the best choice for beginners. The answer is simple: the Matilda.The Matilda is the default handgun that you start with at the beginning of the game. It's a 9mm pistol that can hold up to 15 rounds of ammunition. The Matilda is an excellent choice for beginners because it's accurate, easy to use, and has a high firing rate.Additionally, the Matilda can be upgraded throughout the game, making it even more powerful. Upgrades like a high-capacity magazine, a stock, and a suppressor can be added to the Matilda, making it an even more effective weapon.

The Most Powerful Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake

While the Matilda is an excellent choice for beginners, it's not the most powerful handgun in the game. That honor goes to the Lightning Hawk.The Lightning Hawk is a .44 Magnum revolver that can deal massive damage to enemies. It has a slow firing rate and a small ammo capacity, but it's incredibly powerful and can take down enemies with just a few shots.The Lightning Hawk can also be upgraded throughout the game, making it even more deadly. Upgrades like a long barrel and a custom part can increase its accuracy and damage output, making it an even more powerful weapon.

How to Upgrade Your Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake

Upgrading your handgun is essential in Resident Evil 2 Remake, as it can make all the difference in combat. There are several ways to upgrade your handgun in the game.Firstly, you can find upgrade parts scattered throughout the various levels. These parts can be used to improve your handgun's performance, such as increasing its ammo capacity or improving its accuracy.Secondly, you can bring your handgun to the gun shop run by the character Kendo. Here, you can purchase upgrades for your handgun, such as a suppressor or a larger magazine.Finally, you can combine your handgun with other items found in the game, such as gunpowder or high-grade gunpowder. Combining these items will create enhanced ammo for your handgun, which deals more damage to enemies.

Tips for Using the Handgun Effectively in Resident Evil 2 Remake

Using the handgun effectively in Resident Evil 2 Remake requires skill and strategy. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your trusty companion:1. Aim for the head: Headshots with the handgun deal more damage to enemies, making them an ideal target.2. Use enhanced ammo: Enhanced ammo deals more damage to enemies, so be sure to create it whenever possible.3. Keep your distance: The handgun is much more accurate at long range, so try to keep your distance from enemies whenever possible.4. Use the environment: You can use the environment to your advantage when using the handgun. For example, shoot explosive barrels to take out groups of enemies at once.5. Reload often: Always keep your handgun fully loaded, as you never know when you'll need it.

Comparing the Handguns in Resident Evil 2 Remake: Which is Best?

There are several handguns available in Resident Evil 2 Remake, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Here's a comparison of the handguns available in the game:1. Matilda: The default handgun that you start with at the beginning of the game. It's accurate, easy to use, and can be upgraded throughout the game.2. Samurai Edge: A custom handgun that can be unlocked by completing the game on Hardcore difficulty. It's more powerful than the Matilda but has a smaller ammo capacity.3. Lightning Hawk: The most powerful handgun in the game. It deals massive damage to enemies but has a slow firing rate and a small ammo capacity.When it comes to choosing the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Each handgun has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that works best for you.

The Role of the Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake's Storyline

The handgun plays a crucial role in Resident Evil 2 Remake's storyline. As a survival horror game, the goal is to survive the various challenges presented within the game, and the handgun is the primary tool used to do so.Throughout the game, you'll encounter various enemies, including zombies, lickers, and other monsters. The handgun is your primary weapon for taking down these enemies, and it's essential to use it effectively if you hope to make it through the game alive.Additionally, the handgun can be upgraded throughout the game, reflecting the character's growth and progression as they become more skilled in combat.

How to Obtain All Handguns in Resident Evil 2 Remake

If you're a completionist, you might be wondering how to obtain all the handguns in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Here's a breakdown of each handgun and how to obtain it:1. Matilda: The default handgun that you start with at the beginning of the game.2. Samurai Edge: Complete the game on Standard difficulty to unlock this custom handgun.3. Lightning Hawk: Find all six parts scattered throughout the game to unlock this powerful handgun.4. JMB Hp3: Complete the game on Hardcore difficulty to unlock this handgun.

The Handgun vs. Other Weapons in Resident Evil 2 Remake: Pros and Cons

While the handgun is a must-have weapon in Resident Evil 2 Remake, there are other weapons available in the game that can be equally effective. Here are some pros and cons of using the handgun versus other weapons:Handgun:Pros: Versatile, accurate, readily available, easy to upgrade.Cons: Lower damage output compared to other weapons.Shotgun:Pros: High damage output, ideal for close-range combat.Cons: Unwieldy, difficult to aim, limited ammo capacity.Grenade Launcher:Pros: Deals massive damage to enemies, ideal for taking out groups of enemies at once.Cons: Unwieldy, difficult to aim, limited ammo capacity.Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference when choosing which weapon to use in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Each weapon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, so experiment with different weapons to find the one that works best for you.


The handgun is a trusty companion in Resident Evil 2 Remake, and it's essential to know how to use it effectively. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, the handgun is a must-have weapon that can make all the difference in combat. With its versatility, accuracy, and readily available ammunition, the handgun is the perfect tool to help you survive the various challenges presented within the game. So, grab your trusty pistol, upgrade it as much as possible, and get ready to take on the horrors of Resident Evil 2 Remake!

Resident Evil 2 Remake Best Handgun: My Point of View

The Pros and Cons of the Best Handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake

Resident Evil 2 Remake is a survival horror game that requires players to make strategic decisions to survive. One of the most important decisions players have to make is choosing the best handgun. In my opinion, the M19 handgun is the best option in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Here are the pros and cons:


  • The M19 has higher damage than the Matilda, which is the other handgun option.
  • The M19 has a faster fire rate than the Matilda.
  • The M19 has better accuracy and range than the Matilda.
  • The M19 has a faster reload time than the Matilda.
  • The M19 can be upgraded to increase its damage and accuracy further.


  • The M19 has a smaller magazine size than the Matilda.
  • The M19 cannot shoot in burst mode like the Matilda.
  • The M19 does not have a stock attachment like the Matilda.

Comparison Table between M19 and Matilda Handguns

Category M19 Handgun Matilda Handgun
Damage 110 100
Fire Rate 0.13 seconds 0.20 seconds
Accuracy 60% 50%
Range Great Good
Reload Time 1.83 seconds 2.67 seconds
Upgrade Options Damage and Accuracy Burst Mode, Stock Attachment, and Extended Magazine

In conclusion, the M19 handgun is the best option in Resident Evil 2 Remake due to its higher damage, faster fire rate, better accuracy and range, and faster reload time. However, players should also consider the cons of the M19, such as its smaller magazine size and lack of burst mode and stock attachment. Choosing the right handgun is crucial for survival in Resident Evil 2 Remake, so players should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making their decision.

Resident Evil 2 Remake Best Handgun

Welcome, dear blog visitors! We hope that our previous articles related to Resident Evil 2 remake have been helpful to you. In this article, we will be discussing the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake and how it can help you survive the game. As you already know, Resident Evil 2 remake is an intense survival horror game that requires strategy and skill to beat. One of the key components to your survival is having the right weapons, and the handgun is one of the most important weapons available to you.

The handgun is a reliable weapon that can be used throughout the game. It is especially useful in the early stages of the game when ammunition for other weapons is scarce. It is also useful when you want to conserve ammunition for more powerful weapons. In this article, we will be discussing the best handgun in the game and how it can be upgraded to make it even more effective against the various enemies that you will encounter.

The best handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake is the Samurai Edge. This handgun was originally used by S.T.A.R.S. member Jill Valentine in the original Resident Evil game. In the remake, it is available for both Leon and Claire as a pre-order bonus or as a DLC purchase. The Samurai Edge has a 15-round capacity and deals more damage than the standard handgun. It also has a faster rate of fire, making it easier to take down enemies quickly.

To make the Samurai Edge even more effective, it can be upgraded with various attachments. The first upgrade that you should consider is the extended magazine. This upgrade increases the capacity of the Samurai Edge to 24 rounds, giving you more firepower when you need it. The second upgrade that you should consider is the muzzle brake. This upgrade reduces the recoil of the Samurai Edge, making it easier to aim and shoot accurately. The third upgrade that you should consider is the extended barrel. This upgrade increases the range and accuracy of the Samurai Edge, making it even more deadly against enemies.

Another benefit of using the Samurai Edge is that it can be used with different types of ammunition. You can use standard handgun ammunition, which is plentiful throughout the game. You can also use high-powered ammunition, which deals more damage and is effective against tougher enemies. The Samurai Edge can also be used with the powerful Magnum rounds, which are extremely effective against bosses and other tough enemies. However, Magnum rounds are very rare and should be used sparingly.

It is important to note that the Samurai Edge is not the only handgun available in Resident Evil 2 remake. There are other handguns that can be found throughout the game, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. However, the Samurai Edge is the best handgun in the game due to its high damage output, fast rate of fire, and upgrade potential.

In conclusion, if you want to survive Resident Evil 2 remake, you need to have the right weapons at your disposal. The handgun is one of the most important weapons in the game, and the Samurai Edge is the best handgun available. With its high damage output, fast rate of fire, and upgrade potential, the Samurai Edge is the perfect weapon for taking down enemies quickly and efficiently. We hope that this article has been helpful to you, and we wish you luck in your journey through Resident Evil 2 remake!

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People Also Ask About Resident Evil 2 Remake Best Handgun

What is the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake?

The best handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake is the Samurai Edge handgun. It is a powerful handgun that can take out zombies with ease, has great accuracy, and a fast reload time. The Samurai Edge also has a higher critical hit rate than other handguns in the game, making it a favorite among players.

Where can I find the Samurai Edge handgun in Resident Evil 2 Remake?

The Samurai Edge handgun can be found by completing the game on either Standard or Hardcore difficulty as either Leon or Claire. Once the game is completed, the Samurai Edge will be available for use in any subsequent playthroughs. It can also be obtained by pre-ordering the game or purchasing the Deluxe Edition of Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Is the Lightning Hawk handgun better than the Samurai Edge in Resident Evil 2 Remake?

The Lightning Hawk handgun is a powerful weapon in Resident Evil 2 Remake, but it is not necessarily better than the Samurai Edge. While the Lightning Hawk has more power and can take down enemies faster, it has a slower firing rate and longer reload time compared to the Samurai Edge. The Lightning Hawk is best used for taking out tougher enemies, while the Samurai Edge is a great all-around handgun.

Can the Matilda handgun be upgraded in Resident Evil 2 Remake?

Yes, the Matilda handgun can be upgraded in Resident Evil 2 Remake. By finding and combining three different gun parts, the Matilda can be upgraded to fire three-round bursts. This makes it a more powerful weapon and a great choice for taking out groups of enemies. However, the Matilda is not as powerful as the Samurai Edge or Lightning Hawk handguns.

What handgun should I use in Resident Evil 2 Remake?

The handgun you choose to use in Resident Evil 2 Remake will depend on your playstyle and preferences. If you prefer a well-rounded handgun with great accuracy and fast reload time, the Samurai Edge is a great choice. If you need a more powerful handgun for tougher enemies, the Lightning Hawk is a good option. And if you like to take out groups of enemies at once, the Matilda with its three-round burst upgrade is a good choice. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which handgun works best for your playstyle.