The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Parallax Trajectory Farming: Best Tips and Techniques

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Parallax Trajectory Farming: Best Tips and Techniques


Learn the best way to farm parallax trajectory and increase your chances of success with this comprehensive guide. Maximize your rewards now!

When it comes to farming, there are many different techniques and methods that can be used to achieve optimal results. However, one method that has been gaining popularity in recent years is the parallax trajectory farming technique. This technique involves planting crops in a specific pattern that takes into account the angle at which the sun hits the earth, allowing for maximum exposure and growth. Not only does this technique result in higher yields, but it also has numerous other benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for any farmer.

One of the key benefits of parallax trajectory farming is its ability to conserve water. By planting crops in a specific pattern, farmers can reduce the amount of water needed to irrigate their fields, resulting in significant cost savings and a more sustainable farming operation. Additionally, this technique helps to prevent soil erosion and promotes healthier soil by reducing the amount of runoff and retaining more moisture.

Another advantage of parallax trajectory farming is its ability to increase crop yields. By planting crops in a way that maximizes exposure to the sun, farmers can ensure that their crops receive the optimal amount of light and heat needed for growth. This can result in larger, healthier plants and a higher overall yield at harvest time.

When it comes to implementing this technique on your own farm, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to choose the right crops for your specific climate and soil conditions. Different crops have different light and water requirements, so it's important to select ones that will thrive in your particular environment.

Another important factor to consider is the spacing between your plants. In order to maximize exposure to the sun, it's important to plant your crops in a specific pattern that takes into account the angle at which the sun hits the earth. This may require some experimentation and adjustment, but with patience and careful observation, you can find the optimal spacing for your crops.

Of course, like any farming technique, parallax trajectory farming requires careful planning and attention to detail. It's important to monitor your crops regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure that they are receiving the proper amount of water and nutrients. Additionally, it's important to take steps to prevent pests and disease from affecting your crops, as these can quickly reduce yields and undo all of your hard work.

Despite these challenges, however, parallax trajectory farming has proven to be a highly effective technique for increasing crop yields and promoting sustainable farming practices. By taking advantage of the natural angle of the sun and carefully selecting and spacing your crops, you can achieve impressive results and create a more profitable and sustainable farming operation.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a way to improve your farming operation and increase your yields, parallax trajectory farming is definitely worth considering. With its many benefits and proven effectiveness, this technique has the potential to transform the way you farm and help you achieve your goals for a more sustainable and successful future.


Parallax Trajectory is an essential resource that players need to farm in the popular video game Destiny 2. It is a rare material that is required for several activities in the game, including upgrading weapons and armor. However, farming for Parallax Trajectory can be a daunting task as it is rare to find. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to farm Parallax Trajectory in Destiny 2.

What is Parallax Trajectory?

Parallax Trajectory is a rare material in Destiny 2 that is used for upgrading weapons and armor. It is obtained by dismantling high-level gear or completing certain activities in the game, such as Nightfall or Raids. The material is quite valuable, and players need it to upgrade their weapons and armor to the highest level.

Why Farm Parallax Trajectory?

Farming for Parallax Trajectory is essential for players who want to upgrade their weapons and armor to the highest level. Without this material, players would not be able to reach the maximum potential of their gear, making it more challenging to complete activities such as Raids or Nightfall.

The Best Ways to Farm for Parallax Trajectory

There are several ways to farm for Parallax Trajectory in Destiny 2. Some methods are more effective than others, so it's important to know which ones to focus on.

Dismantling High-Level Gear

The most common way to obtain Parallax Trajectory is by dismantling high-level gear. This method is straightforward but can be time-consuming. Players can dismantle gear acquired from Raids, Nightfall, or other high-level activities. The higher the level of the gear, the more likely it is to drop Parallax Trajectory.

Nightfall: The Ordeal

Nightfall: The Ordeal is a weekly activity that offers players a chance to earn Parallax Trajectory. The higher the difficulty level, the more likely it is to drop the material. It's recommended to play at the highest difficulty level possible, but players should ensure they have a fireteam with them as it can be challenging.


Raids are considered the most challenging activities in Destiny 2, and they offer players a chance to earn Parallax Trajectory. Players can complete any raid in the game, and there is a chance they will receive the material as a reward. However, raids can be time-consuming, and players must have a fireteam to complete them.

Master Lost Sectors

Master Lost Sectors are a new addition to Destiny 2, and they offer players a chance to earn Parallax Trajectory. These lost sectors are challenging and require players to have high-level gear to complete them. However, they offer a guaranteed drop of Parallax Trajectory upon completion.

Tips for Farming Parallax Trajectory

Farming for Parallax Trajectory can be a time-consuming process, so players should know some tips to make the process more efficient.

Focus on High-Level Gear

As mentioned earlier, dismantling high-level gear is the most common way to obtain Parallax Trajectory. Players should focus on acquiring and dismantling high-level gear to increase their chances of getting the material.

Play with a Fireteam

Playing with a fireteam can make farming for Parallax Trajectory more efficient. It's recommended to have a full fireteam as some activities, such as Raids, require six players to complete.

Use Appropriate Mods

Using appropriate mods on weapons and armor can increase the chances of getting Parallax Trajectory. Mods such as the Enhanced Rifle Loader can increase the speed at which players reload their weapons, allowing them to take on activities faster.


In conclusion, farming for Parallax Trajectory in Destiny 2 is essential for players who want to upgrade their gear to the highest level. While it can be a time-consuming process, players can use the methods and tips discussed above to make it more efficient. Players should focus on high-level gear, play with a fireteam, and use appropriate mods to increase their chances of getting the material.
Understanding the Basics: What is Parallax Trajectory Farming?Parallax trajectory farming is a unique and innovative method of growing crops that involves planting them in a way that takes advantage of the angle of sunlight. This technique is based on the principle of parallax, which is the apparent displacement or difference in the position of an object when viewed from two different locations.The idea behind parallax trajectory farming is to plant crops at specific angles or trajectories to maximize the amount of sunlight they receive. This can result in faster growth, higher yields, and better quality produce.Knowing Your Tools: Essential Equipment for Parallax Trajectory FarmingTo successfully farm using the parallax trajectory method, you will need some essential tools and equipment. The first thing you’ll need is a good quality hoe or cultivator. This tool will be used to prepare the soil and create the planting rows.Next, you’ll need a measuring tape or ruler to ensure that your rows are spaced out at the correct distance. A good quality seed drill or planter is also important to ensure that your seeds are planted at the correct depth and spacing.Other useful tools include a watering can or hose, fertilizer spreader, and a hand trowel for planting smaller crops or seedlings.Choosing Your Location: Finding the Best Spot for Parallax Trajectory FarmingWhen choosing a location for your parallax trajectory farm, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, you’ll want to find a spot with plenty of sunlight. This is essential for the success of your crops, as they need a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight each day.You should also look for a location that has good drainage and is not prone to flooding. Avoid areas with heavy clay soils, as these can become waterlogged and cause root rot.Finally, consider the availability of water and access to irrigation. If you live in an area with limited rainfall, you may need to install an irrigation system to ensure that your crops receive enough moisture.Preparing Your Soil: Soil Preparation Techniques for Parallax Trajectory FarmingBefore planting your crops, it’s important to prepare the soil properly. This will help to ensure that your plants have the best possible start and will be able to grow strong and healthy.The first step in soil preparation is to remove any weeds or debris from the area. You can use a hoe or cultivator to break up the soil and remove any rocks or large clumps of dirt.Next, you’ll want to add some organic matter to the soil. This can include compost, manure, or other natural fertilizers. Organic matter helps to improve soil structure, increase nutrient levels, and promote healthy microbial activity.Once you’ve added organic matter, you can use a rake or soil cultivator to mix it into the soil. This will help to create a more even distribution of nutrients and improve soil texture.Planting Your Crops: Best Crops to Grow for Parallax Trajectory FarmingWhen it comes to choosing what to plant on your parallax trajectory farm, there are many options to consider. Some of the best crops for this method of farming include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, and corn.These crops all benefit from the increased sunlight exposure and can produce higher yields when planted at specific angles or trajectories. However, you can also experiment with other crops and see what works best for your particular location and soil type.When planting your crops, it’s important to follow the recommended spacing and depth guidelines for each type of plant. This will help to ensure that your crops grow evenly and have plenty of room to spread out.Maintaining Your Farm: Tips for Proper Maintenance of Parallax Trajectory FarmsProper maintenance is essential for the success of your parallax trajectory farm. This includes regular watering, fertilizing, and weeding.To keep your plants healthy and productive, you should aim to water them regularly, especially during hot and dry weather. You can use a watering can or hose to apply water directly to the base of each plant.Fertilizing is also important, as it helps to replenish essential nutrients in the soil. You can use organic fertilizers such as compost or manure, or you can use commercial fertilizers specifically formulated for your crops.Finally, it’s important to keep your farm free from weeds and other pests. Weeds can compete with your crops for nutrients and water, while pests can damage or destroy your plants. Regular weeding and pest control measures such as using natural insecticides can help to keep your crops healthy and productive.Pest Control: How to Keep Pests and Diseases at Bay on Your Parallax Trajectory FarmPreventing and controlling pests and diseases is an important part of parallax trajectory farming. There are several natural methods you can use to keep pests at bay without resorting to harmful pesticides.One effective method is to use companion planting. This involves planting certain crops together that can help to repel pests or attract beneficial insects. For example, planting marigolds around the edge of your garden can help to deter aphids, while planting basil near your tomato plants can attract predatory insects that feed on caterpillars and other pests.Other natural pest control methods include using insecticidal soaps, neem oil, and diatomaceous earth. These products are safe for use on edible crops and can help to keep pests under control without harming beneficial insects or the environment.Harvesting Your Crops: When and How to Harvest Parallax Trajectory CropsKnowing when and how to harvest your parallax trajectory crops is essential for ensuring that you get the best possible yield. Most crops can be harvested when they are fully mature and have reached their maximum size or color.Tomatoes, for example, should be harvested when they are fully ripe and have a deep red color. Cucumbers can be harvested when they are firm and have reached their full size, while peppers can be harvested when they have turned red or yellow.To harvest your crops, you can use a sharp knife or pair of scissors to cut the fruit or vegetable from the plant. Be sure to handle your produce carefully to avoid bruising or damaging it.Maximizing Yield: Strategies to Boost Yield on Your Parallax Trajectory FarmIf you want to maximize the yield of your parallax trajectory farm, there are several strategies you can use. One of the most important is to choose the right crops for your location and soil type. By selecting crops that are well-suited to your environment, you can ensure that they will grow strong and healthy and produce the best possible yield.Another strategy is to use organic fertilizers and soil amendments to improve soil health and nutrient levels. This can help to promote healthy growth and increase yield.Finally, regular maintenance and pest control measures can also help to boost yield by keeping your crops healthy and productive.Marketing Your Produce: Best Practices for Selling Your Parallax Trajectory CropsIf you’re interested in selling your parallax trajectory crops, there are several best practices to keep in mind. Firstly, you should aim to sell your produce as soon as possible after harvesting to ensure that it is fresh and of the highest quality.You can sell your produce at local farmers markets, through online marketplaces such as Etsy or Amazon, or directly to local restaurants or grocery stores. Be sure to research your local market and find out what types of produce are in high demand.Finally, be sure to price your produce competitively and provide excellent customer service to keep your customers coming back for more.In conclusion, parallax trajectory farming is an innovative and effective method of growing crops that can result in higher yields, better quality produce, and a more efficient use of resources. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can start your own parallax trajectory farm and enjoy the many benefits of this unique farming method.

The Best Way to Farm Parallax Trajectory

Point of View

As an avid Destiny 2 player, I believe that the best way to farm Parallax Trajectory is through completing Nightfall Strikes. Nightfalls offer a higher chance of dropping Parallax Trajectory as compared to other activities in the game.

Pros and Cons

  • Nightfall Strikes have a higher chance of dropping Parallax Trajectory.
  • Nightfalls offer a challenging and rewarding experience for players.
  • Completing Nightfalls also awards players with high-level gear and powerful rewards.
  • Nightfall Strikes can be difficult for some players to complete without a coordinated team.
  • The drop rate for Parallax Trajectory is still relatively low, even in Nightfalls.
  • Players may need to grind Nightfalls repeatedly to obtain the desired amount of Parallax Trajectory.

Comparison Information

To compare the drop rates of Parallax Trajectory in different activities, the following table shows the chances of obtaining the item per completion:
Activity Chance of Parallax Trajectory Drop
Nightfall Strike ~10%
Gambit Prime ~5%
Crucible (PvP) ~2%
Strike Playlist ~1%
In conclusion, while Nightfall Strikes offer the best chance of obtaining Parallax Trajectory, players should be prepared for a challenging and repetitive grind. It's important to note that other activities like Gambit Prime and Crucible also have a chance of dropping Parallax Trajectory, but the drop rates are significantly lower.

The Best Way to Farm Parallax Trajectory

Welcome, fellow Guardians! Today, we will be discussing the best way to farm Parallax Trajectory. As you may know, Parallax Trajectory is an incredibly rare and powerful weapon that can only be obtained through a specific set of activities in Destiny 2. If you're looking to add this weapon to your collection, you'll need to put in some time and effort. In this article, we'll be sharing some tips and tricks that will help you farm Parallax Trajectory quickly and efficiently.

Before we dive into the specifics of farming Parallax Trajectory, it's important to understand what this weapon is and what makes it so special. Parallax Trajectory is a legendary sniper rifle that was added to Destiny 2 during Season of the Splicer. It has a unique perk called No Distractions that reduces flinch when aiming down sights for a short period after flinching. This perk makes it an excellent choice for PvP activities like Trials of Osiris or Iron Banner.

If you're looking to get your hands on Parallax Trajectory, you'll need to complete a few specific activities. The weapon can drop from any of the following sources:

  • Nightfall: The Ordeal (Master difficulty)
  • Grandmaster Nightfall
  • Adept Trials of Osiris
  • Flawless Trials of Osiris

As you can see, these activities are no walk in the park. They require a high level of skill and coordination, and they can be incredibly challenging even for experienced players. However, if you're willing to put in the time and effort, you can increase your chances of getting Parallax Trajectory with the following tips:

Tip #1: Focus on Grandmaster Nightfall

If you're looking to farm Parallax Trajectory, your best bet is to focus on Grandmaster Nightfall. This activity has the highest chance of dropping the weapon, and it also offers some of the best rewards in the game. However, Grandmaster Nightfall is not for the faint of heart. It requires a fireteam of highly skilled players who can work together to overcome incredibly difficult challenges.

If you're up for the challenge, we recommend using a loadout that includes weapons like Xenophage, Anarchy, and Divinity. These weapons are incredibly powerful and can help you take down even the toughest enemies in Grandmaster Nightfall. You'll also want to make sure that you're using mods that provide extra protection, such as Protective Light or Taking Charge.

Tip #2: Master the Adept Trials of Osiris

If you're more of a PvP player, your best bet for getting Parallax Trajectory is to focus on the Adept Trials of Osiris. This activity has a lower chance of dropping the weapon than Grandmaster Nightfall, but it's still a viable option if you're looking to farm it.

To succeed in Adept Trials of Osiris, you'll need to master your PvP skills. This means practicing your aim, learning the maps, and developing a good strategy with your fireteam. You'll also want to make sure that you're using weapons that are effective in PvP, such as The Last Word or Thorn.

Tip #3: Be Patient

Finally, it's important to remember that farming Parallax Trajectory is not a quick process. It can take dozens, if not hundreds, of attempts before you finally get the weapon to drop. This can be frustrating, but it's important to stay patient and keep trying. The more you practice and improve your skills, the better your chances will be of getting the weapon.

So there you have it, fellow Guardians. Those are our top tips for farming Parallax Trajectory in Destiny 2. Remember to focus on Grandmaster Nightfall or Adept Trials of Osiris, master your skills, and stay patient. With a little luck and a lot of effort, you'll have this powerful sniper rifle in your collection in no time. Good luck!

People Also Ask About Best Way to Farm Parallax Trajectory

What is Parallax Trajectory?

Parallax Trajectory is a type of legendary linear fusion rifle in Destiny 2. It has a high impact and range, making it a popular choice for players in both PvP and PvE activities.

How to Farm Parallax Trajectory?

There are several ways to farm Parallax Trajectory in Destiny 2:

  1. Legendary Engrams - Parallax Trajectory can drop randomly from legendary engrams, so players can continuously farm these to increase their chances of obtaining it.
  2. Gunsmith Packages - Players can also earn Parallax Trajectory by turning in gunsmith materials to Banshee-44 at the Tower.
  3. Nightfall Strikes - Completing Nightfall strikes on higher difficulties can increase the chances of receiving Parallax Trajectory as a reward.

What is the Best Way to Farm Parallax Trajectory?

While there is no guaranteed way to farm Parallax Trajectory, the most efficient method is to farm legendary engrams. Players can do this by completing activities such as strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches. Turning in gunsmith materials to Banshee-44 is also a viable option, but it requires a larger amount of materials and can be time-consuming.


Overall, farming Parallax Trajectory requires some patience and luck. However, continuously farming legendary engrams is the most efficient way to increase the chances of obtaining this powerful linear fusion rifle in Destiny 2.