The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Place to Farm Lith Relics for Warframe Players

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Place to Farm Lith Relics for Warframe Players


Looking for the best place to farm Lith relics in Warframe? Look no further than the Hepit node on Void, offering fast and efficient runs!

Looking for the best place to farm Lith Relics? Look no further because we’ve got you covered! Lith Relics are one of the most sought-after items in Warframe, as they contain blueprints for various weapons and warframes. To get your hands on them, you need to farm them in the right place. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the best places to farm Lith Relics, so that you can get the most out of your gaming experience.

The first place that comes to mind when talking about farming Lith Relics is the Hepit Void mission. This mission is located on the planet of Void and is known for its high drop rate of Lith Relics. With a 100% chance of obtaining a Lith Relic, this mission is the perfect spot for beginners who are looking to stock up on these valuable items. Additionally, the enemies in this mission are relatively easy to defeat, making it a great place to farm for players of all levels.

If you’re looking for a more challenging experience, then you might want to consider the Teshub Void mission. This mission is also located on the planet of Void and is known for its high drop rate of Lith Relics. However, this mission is much harder than the Hepit mission and requires a well-coordinated team to complete. Nonetheless, if you’re up for the challenge, the rewards are definitely worth it.

An alternative location for farming Lith Relics is the Cambria Earth mission. While this mission has a lower drop rate compared to the Void missions, it is still a great spot for farming Lith Relics. The enemies in this mission are easy to defeat, and the rewards are still worthwhile. Additionally, farming on Earth gives you the opportunity to collect resources while you’re at it, which is always a plus.

If you’re looking for a more diverse farming experience, then the Orokin Derelict mission might be the place for you. This mission is located on the planet of Deimos and offers a variety of different rewards, including Lith Relics. The enemies in this mission are tough, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort. Additionally, the Orokin Derelict mission offers a unique environment that’s different from the other missions.

Another great location to farm Lith Relics is the Mithra Void mission. This mission is located on the planet of Void and has a high drop rate of Lith Relics. However, this mission is much harder than the Hepit mission and requires a well-coordinated team to complete. Nonetheless, if you’re up for the challenge, the rewards are definitely worth it.

If you’re looking for a solo farming experience, then the Tessera Venus mission might be the place for you. This mission has a relatively low drop rate compared to the other missions on this list, but it is still a great spot for farming Lith Relics. Additionally, the enemies in this mission are easy to defeat, making it a great spot for beginners who are looking to stock up on these valuable items.

The Oceanum Pluto mission is another great location to farm Lith Relics. This mission is known for its high drop rate of Lith Relics and is a great spot for players of all levels. Additionally, the enemies in this mission are easy to defeat, making it a great place to farm for beginners.

If you’re looking for a more challenging experience, then the Marduk Void mission might be the place for you. This mission is located on the planet of Void and is known for its high drop rate of Lith Relics. However, this mission is much harder than the Hepit mission and requires a well-coordinated team to complete. Nonetheless, if you’re up for the challenge, the rewards are definitely worth it.

The Ukko Void mission is another great location to farm Lith Relics. This mission is located on the planet of Void and has a high drop rate of Lith Relics. However, this mission is much harder than the Hepit mission and requires a well-coordinated team to complete. Nonetheless, if you’re up for the challenge, the rewards are definitely worth it.

Lastly, the Io Jupiter mission is a great spot for players who are looking to farm Lith Relics while also leveling up their gear. This mission has a relatively low drop rate compared to the other missions on this list, but it is still a great spot for farming Lith Relics. Additionally, the enemies in this mission are easy to defeat, making it a great spot for beginners who are looking to level up their gear.

Overall, there are many great locations to farm Lith Relics in Warframe. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there’s a mission on this list that’s perfect for you. So, get out there and start farming – the rewards are waiting for you!


If you're an avid player of Warframe, you know the importance of Lith Relics. These relics are crucial for getting some of the best weapons and equipment in the game. But where is the best place to farm them? In this article, we'll explore some of the best places to farm Lith Relics.

What are Lith Relics?

Lith Relics are a type of Relic in Warframe that contain common Prime items. These items can be used to craft some of the best weapons and equipment in the game. Lith Relics are the easiest to obtain and are often the first Relics that players will farm for.

Why are Lith Relics important?

Lith Relics are important because they contain some of the most sought-after Prime items in the game. These items can only be obtained through Relics and are necessary for crafting some of the best weapons and equipment in the game. Without Lith Relics, it would be impossible to obtain these items.

The best place to farm Lith Relics

Io, Jupiter

Io, Jupiter is one of the best places to farm Lith Relics. This Defense mission has a high drop rate for Lith Relics, making it a popular spot for players looking to farm them. Players can run this mission multiple times in a row, making it easy to farm large quantities of Lith Relics in a short amount of time.

Mithra, Void

Mithra, Void is another great spot to farm Lith Relics. This mission is a Survival mission, meaning players must survive as long as possible against waves of enemies. The longer players survive, the higher their chances of obtaining Lith Relics. This mission also has a chance to drop other Relics, making it a great spot for players looking to farm multiple types of Relics.

Captain Vor, Mercury

Captain Vor, Mercury is a boss fight that can be completed quickly and efficiently. This boss fight has a high chance to drop Lith Relics, making it a popular spot for players looking to farm them. Players can run this mission multiple times in a row, making it easy to farm large quantities of Lith Relics in a short amount of time.

Tara, Earth

Tara, Earth is a Defense mission that has a high chance to drop Lith Relics as well as other Relics. This mission is great for players who want to farm multiple types of Relics at once. It is also a great spot for players looking to level up their weapons and equipment.


Overall, there are many great spots to farm Lith Relics in Warframe. Io, Jupiter, Mithra, Void, Captain Vor, Mercury, and Tara, Earth are all great spots to farm Lith Relics. It's important to remember that the key to farming Relics is to run missions multiple times in a row. By doing so, players can increase their chances of obtaining the Relics they need to craft the best weapons and equipment in the game.

Understanding the Importance of Lith Relics in Warframe

In Warframe, Lith Relics are a type of item that holds valuable rewards. These relics can be obtained through various missions and activities in the game. Once you have a Lith Relic, you can open it to receive one of several rewards, including Prime weapons, Warframes, and other valuable items.Lith Relics are essential for players who want to enhance their arsenal and progress further in the game. Obtaining these relics can be challenging, but with the right strategy, you can farm them efficiently.

Where to Start Farming Lith Relics in Warframe

To start farming Lith Relics, you need to know where to look. The best place to begin is by completing missions on the planet Venus. During these missions, enemies have a chance to drop Lith Relics as loot. There are different types of missions you can complete, including Exterminate, Survival, and Defense. These missions have different drop rates for Lith Relics, so it's essential to choose the right one. Exterminate missions are great for beginners because they are relatively easy, and enemies have a higher chance of dropping Lith Relics. Survival and Defense missions are more challenging, but they have a higher chance of dropping rare Lith Relics.

The Best Lith Relic Farming Locations for Beginners

Here are some of the best Lith Relic farming locations for beginners:1. Venus - Hepit: This excavation mission is an excellent option for new players. Enemies have a high chance of dropping Lith Relics, and the mission is relatively easy to complete.2. Venus - Tessera: This mission is a Defense mission with a high drop rate for Lith Relics. Players can also earn bonus rewards by completing all five waves.3. Venus - Fossa: This mission is an Assassination mission where players can earn Lith Relics by defeating the boss.

Advanced Lith Relic Farming Strategies for Experienced Players

Experienced players can use different strategies to farm Lith Relics more efficiently. One of the best ways is by running Radiant Fissures.Radiant Fissures are missions that require players to use a Radiant Lith Relic. These missions have a higher chance of dropping rare rewards, making them an excellent option for experienced players.To run Radiant Fissures, you need to upgrade your Lith Relics to Radiant by using Void Traces. You can obtain Void Traces by completing Void Fissure missions.

The Benefits of Running Lith Relic Radiant Fissures in Warframe

Here are some benefits of running Lith Relic Radiant Fissures:1. Higher Chance of Rare Drops: Radiant Fissures have a higher chance of dropping rare rewards, including Prime weapons and Warframes.2. More Void Traces: Completing Radiant Fissures gives you more Void Traces, which you can use to upgrade your Lith Relics to Radiant.3. Better Rewards for Your Squad: Running Radiant Fissures with a squad gives everyone a chance to receive rare rewards.

How to Maximize Your Lith Relic Farming Efficiency in Warframe

To maximize your Lith Relic farming efficiency, you need to follow these tips:1. Use a Fast Frame: Choose a fast frame like Volt or Nova to complete missions quickly.2. Upgrade Your Lith Relics: Use Void Traces to upgrade your Lith Relics to Radiant for better rewards.3. Join a Squad: Running missions with a squad increases your chances of receiving rare rewards.4. Use Boosters: Boosters give you extra rewards, including Lith Relics.

The Best Frame and Loadout for Lith Relic Farming in Warframe

Choosing the right frame and loadout is essential for efficient Lith Relic farming. Here are some of the best options:1. Volt: Volt is a fast frame that can complete missions quickly. He also has an ability that increases the speed at which teammates can complete objectives.2. Nova: Nova is another fast frame that can complete missions quickly. She also has an ability that slows down enemies, making them easier to kill.3. Saryn: Saryn is an excellent frame for killing large groups of enemies, making her an ideal choice for Defense and Survival missions.4. Ignis: The Ignis is a great weapon for farming Lith Relics because it can clear out large groups of enemies quickly.

The Importance of Squad Composition in Lith Relic Farming Runs

Squad composition is essential for Lith Relic farming runs. A good squad should have a mix of fast frames and frames that can deal with large groups of enemies.It's also important to communicate with your squad to ensure everyone is on the same page. You should discuss which missions to run and which relics to use.

Lith Relic Farming Tips and Tricks from the Warframe Community

Here are some Lith Relic farming tips and tricks from the Warframe community:1. Use a resource booster to increase your chances of receiving Lith Relics.2. Use a sentinel with the Vacuum mod to pick up loot automatically.3. Run missions with a full squad to increase your chances of receiving rare rewards.4. Use Warframe market websites to buy or sell Lith Relics and other valuable items.

Setting Realistic Expectations for Lith Relic Farming in Warframe

It's essential to set realistic expectations when farming Lith Relics in Warframe. Remember that obtaining rare rewards can take time and patience.You should also be prepared to run the same mission multiple times to increase your chances of receiving a Lith Relic. In conclusion, Lith Relics are essential items in Warframe that hold valuable rewards. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can farm Lith Relics efficiently and enhance your arsenal.

Best Place to Farm Lith Relics

Point of View

As an avid Warframe player, I believe the best place to farm Lith Relics is in the Hepit Void mission. This mission is efficient and time-effective, providing players with a high drop rate of Lith Relics.


  • Hepit Void mission has a 100% chance of dropping a Lith Relic on rotation A (first round)
  • The mission can be completed quickly, allowing for multiple runs in a short period of time
  • Players can also acquire other valuable resources while farming for Lith Relics, such as Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells


  • Players may become bored or burnt out from repeatedly running the same mission
  • As with any farming method, there is a chance of not receiving the desired reward
  • Players may need to have a specific Warframe or weapon loadout to complete the mission efficiently

Table Comparison of Other Lith Relic Farming Methods

Farming Method Pros Cons
Capture Missions Quick and easy to complete Low drop rate for Lith Relics
Excavation Missions Can provide multiple relics per excavation Can take longer to complete
Defense Missions Potential for high drop rates of Lith Relics on higher waves Can be time-consuming
In conclusion, while there are other methods for farming Lith Relics in Warframe, the Hepit Void mission remains the most efficient and effective option. However, players should consider switching up their farming methods to avoid burnout and maximize their chances of acquiring the desired relics.

The Best Place to Farm Lith Relics in Warframe

Welcome, fellow Tenno! If you're reading this, chances are you're on a mission to farm Lith relics, perhaps to unlock the latest Prime Warframe or weapons. Don't worry; you're not alone. Lith relics are among the most commonly farmed relics in Warframe, and for a good reason: they contain some of the most sought-after Prime parts and blueprints in the game.

But where's the best place to farm Lith relics? Well, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. There are several factors to consider, such as drop rates, mission types, and enemy levels. In this article, we'll explore some of the best places to farm Lith relics in Warframe, based on personal experience and community consensus.

Firstly, let's discuss what Lith relics are and why they're important. Lith relics are one of the four tiers of relics in Warframe, with the others being Meso, Neo, and Axi. Each tier contains a different set of Prime parts and blueprints, with Lith relics typically containing the oldest or basic Prime items. Still, many of these items remain highly valuable and can fetch high prices in the in-game trading market.

One of the most popular ways to farm Lith relics is through Void Fissure missions. Void Fissures are special missions that appear randomly on the Star Chart and require players to bring a matching relic to participate. These missions have a higher chance of dropping the specific Prime parts and blueprints found in the relic, making them an efficient way to farm for specific items.

When it comes to farming Lith relics through Void Fissures, there are several mission types to choose from, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The first is Capture missions, which involve finding and capturing a target enemy before extracting. These missions are quick and easy to complete, making them ideal for speed farming. However, they have a lower chance of dropping relics compared to other mission types.

Another popular Void Fissure mission type is Defense. In Defense missions, players must defend a designated object or area from waves of enemies. These missions can take longer to complete but have a higher chance of dropping relics, particularly if players can survive for several waves or rounds.

Survival missions are also a viable option for farming Lith relics. In these missions, players must survive against endless waves of enemies for a set period, with rewards increasing the longer they survive. Survival missions can be challenging, but they offer a high chance of relic drops, especially if players can reach the 20-30 minute mark.

Interception missions are another alternative for farming Lith relics. In these missions, players must capture and hold four designated points on the map, while fighting off waves of enemies. Interception missions have a moderate chance of dropping relics, but they require coordination and communication between squad members to be successful.

If you prefer a more straightforward approach to farming Lith relics, then Exterminate missions might be your best bet. These missions involve clearing out all the enemies on a given map before extracting, with a chance of relic drops at the end. While Exterminate missions have a lower chance of dropping relics than other mission types, they're fast and easy to complete, making them ideal for casual farming.

Now that we've covered the different types of Void Fissure missions, let's discuss some of the best locations to farm Lith relics. One of the most popular spots is Hepit in the Void. This Capture mission can be completed in under two minutes, making it an excellent choice for speed farming. Additionally, it has a high chance of dropping Lith relics, particularly if you bring a full squad with matching relics.

Another popular location for farming Lith relics is the Cambria node on Earth. This Defense mission involves defending a Grineer settlement from waves of enemies, with each wave increasing in difficulty and rewards. Cambria has a high chance of dropping Lith relics, making it a favorite spot for many Tenno.

Other locations to consider for Lith relic farming include Mithra on the Void, which is an Interception mission, and Teshub on Mars, which is a Survival mission. Both of these missions have a moderate to high chance of dropping Lith relics, but they can be more challenging than some of the other missions we've discussed.

In conclusion, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of where the best place to farm Lith relics is. The most efficient method will depend on your playstyle, squad composition, and personal preferences. However, by considering the different mission types and locations we've discussed in this article, you should be able to find a farming spot that works for you.

Happy farming, Tenno!

People Also Ask About Best Place to Farm Lith Relics

What are Lith Relics?

Lith Relics are one of the four types of Void Relics in Warframe. They contain Prime parts that can be obtained through Void Fissure missions. Each Lith Relic has a specific set of rewards that can be obtained upon completion of a Void Fissure mission.

Where is the Best Place to Farm Lith Relics?

The best place to farm Lith Relics is on the planet Venus, specifically at the Hepit node. This is a low-level excavation mission that has a high chance of dropping Lith Relics. Players can also farm Lith Relics through Void Fissure missions, which can be accessed through the Void Relic segment in their Orbiter.

What Warframes and Weapons are Good for Farming Lith Relics?

Warframes with abilities that can clear large groups of enemies quickly are ideal for farming Lith Relics. Some examples include Ember, Saryn, and Volt. Weapons that have a high rate of fire or area of effect damage are also effective for farming. Weapons such as the Ignis, Amprex, and Tonkor are good choices.

How Can I Increase my Chances of Getting Lith Relics?

There are several ways to increase your chances of getting Lith Relics. One way is to play with a full squad of four players, as this increases the number of enemies that spawn and therefore the number of potential loot drops. Another way is to use a Warframe or weapon with a high resource drop chance, such as Nekros or the Pilfering Swarm augment for Hydroid's Tentacle Swarm ability.

Can I Trade Lith Relics with Other Players?

Yes, players can trade Lith Relics with other players. However, only unopened Relics can be traded. Once a Relic has been opened, the items inside cannot be traded.


In conclusion, the best place to farm Lith Relics is on the Hepit node on Venus. Players should use Warframes and weapons that can clear large groups of enemies quickly, and try to play with a full squad of four players to increase their chances of getting Lith Relics. Finally, players can trade Lith Relics with other players, but only unopened Relics can be traded.