The Top Insects to Feed Your Baby Bearded Dragon for Optimal Health and Growth: A Comprehensive Guide

The Top Insects to Feed Your Baby Bearded Dragon for Optimal Health and Growth: A Comprehensive Guide


Discover the best insects for your baby bearded dragons. Learn what to feed them and how often to ensure their growth and health.

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When it comes to feeding baby bearded dragons, the right diet is essential for their growth and development. While there are many different types of insects that can be fed to these little reptiles, not all bugs are created equal. Some insects may be too large or difficult for baby bearded dragons to digest, while others may lack the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

If you're looking to provide your baby bearded dragon with the best possible diet, there are a few insects that stand out as the top choices. These bugs are not only easy for young bearded dragons to consume, but they also offer a rich source of essential nutrients that will help your pet thrive.

One of the best insects for baby bearded dragons is the cricket. Crickets are readily available at most pet stores and are relatively inexpensive. They are also easy to keep and breed, making them a convenient choice for pet owners. In addition to being high in protein, crickets are also a good source of calcium, which is important for proper bone growth.

Another great insect for baby bearded dragons is the mealworm. These worms are small and easy to digest, making them ideal for young reptiles. They are also rich in protein and calcium, which makes them a nutritious choice. However, it's important to note that mealworms should be given in moderation, as they have a hard exoskeleton that can be difficult for some bearded dragons to digest.

If you're looking for an alternative to crickets and mealworms, consider feeding your baby bearded dragon dubia roaches. These roaches are larger than crickets and mealworms, but they are still easy for young bearded dragons to consume. They are also high in protein and calcium, and they have a softer exoskeleton that makes them easier to digest.

While crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches are all excellent choices for baby bearded dragons, it's important to vary your pet's diet to ensure they get a wide range of nutrients. You can also consider feeding your bearded dragon other insects, such as waxworms, superworms, and phoenix worms, as long as they are appropriate for their size and age.

In addition to choosing the right insects for your baby bearded dragon, it's also important to provide them with a balanced diet that includes vegetables and fruits. Offer your pet a variety of leafy greens, such as kale, collard greens, and mustard greens, as well as other vegetables like carrots, squash, and bell peppers. You can also offer fruits in moderation, such as apples, strawberries, and mangoes.

When feeding your baby bearded dragon, it's important to consider their size and age. Younger bearded dragons will require more frequent feedings of smaller insects, while older bearded dragons can handle larger prey items. Always supervise your pet during feeding, and remove any uneaten insects from their enclosure to prevent them from becoming a health hazard.

In conclusion, providing your baby bearded dragon with a healthy and balanced diet is essential for their growth and development. By choosing the right insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches, and offering a variety of vegetables and fruits, you can help your pet thrive. With proper care and attention, your baby bearded dragon will grow into a happy and healthy adult.


Bearded dragons are popular pet reptiles that require a balanced diet to ensure their health and wellbeing. Insects are an essential part of a bearded dragon's diet, providing them with protein and other nutrients. However, not all insects are suitable for baby bearded dragons, and it's important to know which ones are safe and nutritious for them.

Feeder Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons


Crickets are one of the most common feeder insects for baby bearded dragons. They are high in protein and easy to digest for young dragons. Baby bearded dragons can eat small crickets, and as they grow, they can consume larger ones. It's important to gut-load crickets before feeding them to your dragon, ensuring that they are well-nourished and healthy.

Dubia Roaches

Dubia roaches are another great option for baby bearded dragons. They are rich in protein and low in fat, making them an excellent source of nutrition for growing dragons. Dubia roaches are easy to digest and don't have hard exoskeletons, making them a safer option than some other insects.


Mealworms are a popular feeder insect for bearded dragons, but they should only be fed to baby dragons in moderation. Mealworms are high in fat and can cause impaction if overfed. Only offer mealworms as an occasional treat, and make sure they are appropriately sized for your dragon.

Phoenix Worms

Phoenix worms, also known as black soldier fly larvae, are a nutritious feeder insect for baby bearded dragons. They are high in calcium and other essential nutrients, making them an excellent addition to a young dragon's diet. Phoenix worms are also easy to digest and don't require gut-loading.

Feeding Tips for Baby Bearded Dragons

Frequency of Feeding

Baby bearded dragons require frequent feeding to ensure they get the nutrients they need to grow and develop. Offer insects to your dragon at least twice a day, and provide them with as many insects as they can consume in 10-15 minutes.

Size of Insects

The size of the insects you offer to your baby bearded dragon is crucial. You should only offer insects that are smaller than the space between your dragon's eyes. Feeder insects that are too large can cause choking or impaction.


Gut-loading insects is an essential step in ensuring that your baby bearded dragon gets the nutrition they need. Offer gut-loading foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy greens to the insects 24-48 hours before feeding them to your dragon.

Dusting with Calcium

Baby bearded dragons require sufficient calcium to support their growing bones and overall health. Dusting insects with calcium powder before offering them to your dragon is an excellent way to ensure they get enough calcium.


Insects are an essential part of a baby bearded dragon's diet, providing them with protein and other essential nutrients. Crickets, dubia roaches, phoenix worms, and mealworms are all suitable feeder insects for young dragons. It's crucial to feed your baby dragon appropriately sized insects, gut-load them, and dust them with calcium powder to ensure they get the nutrition they need to thrive. With proper care and a balanced diet, your baby bearded dragon will grow into a healthy and happy adult.
Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons: A Comprehensive GuideCaring for a baby bearded dragon can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to feeding them. As a pet owner, you want to ensure that your beardie is getting all the necessary nutrients to grow healthy and strong. One of the most important aspects of their diet is a variety of insects.In this article, we will discuss the top ten best insects for baby bearded dragons. From classic staples like crickets to high-protein treats like black soldier fly larvae, we will cover everything you need to know to provide your baby beardie with a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

Crickets: The Classic Staple of Baby Bearded Dragons' Diet

Crickets are a classic staple of a baby bearded dragon's diet. They are widely available, affordable, and easy to raise. Crickets are high in protein and calcium, which are essential nutrients for growing beardies.When selecting crickets for your baby beardie, make sure they are gut-loaded. Gut-loading is the process of feeding the crickets nutrient-rich foods before feeding them to your beardie. This ensures that your beardie is getting all the necessary nutrients from the crickets.


  • Widely available and affordable
  • High in protein and calcium
  • Easy to raise


  • May carry parasites or diseases
  • Can be noisy and smelly
  • May escape from their enclosure

Dubia Roaches: A Nutritious and Easy-to-Digest Food Option

Dubia roaches are another popular insect choice for baby bearded dragons. They are low in fat and high in protein, making them a nutritious food option. Dubia roaches are also easy to digest, which is important for baby beardies who have delicate digestive systems.When selecting Dubia roaches for your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie roaches that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Nutritious and easy to digest
  • Low in fat and high in protein
  • Don't make noise or smell


  • Can be more expensive than crickets
  • May not be readily available in some areas
  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters

Black Soldier Fly Larvae: A High-Protein Treat for Growing Beardies

Black soldier fly larvae, also known as phoenix worms or calci worms, are a high-protein treat for growing beardies. They are rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy bone growth. Black soldier fly larvae are also low in fat, making them a great food option for baby beardies.When feeding black soldier fly larvae to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie larvae that are too big as this can cause choking.


  • High in protein and calcium
  • Low in fat
  • Don't require gut-loading


  • May not be readily available in some areas
  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than other insects

Waxworms: A High-Fat Snack for Bearded Dragons in Need of Extra Calories

Waxworms are a high-fat snack that can be fed to baby bearded dragons in need of extra calories. They are great for beardies who are underweight or recovering from an illness. Waxworms are also high in calcium, making them a nutritious treat.When feeding waxworms to your baby beardie, make sure to do so in moderation. They are high in fat and should not be fed as a staple food item.


  • High in fat, which is necessary for some beardies
  • High in calcium
  • Don't require gut-loading


  • Should only be fed in moderation
  • Can be expensive
  • May not be readily available in some areas

Hornworms: A Moisture-Rich Insect for Hydrating Baby Bearded Dragons

Hornworms are a moisture-rich insect that can be fed to baby bearded dragons to help keep them hydrated. They are low in fat and high in calcium, making them a nutritious food option. Hornworms are also easy to digest, which is important for baby beardies with delicate digestive systems.When feeding hornworms to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie hornworms that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Moisture-rich, which helps keep beardies hydrated
  • Low in fat and high in calcium
  • Easy to digest


  • May not be readily available in some areas
  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than other insects

Phoenix Worms: A Calcium-Rich Alternative to Crickets and Dubia Roaches

Phoenix worms, also known as calci worms or black soldier fly larvae, are a calcium-rich alternative to crickets and Dubia roaches. They are easy to digest and low in fat, making them a nutritious food option for baby beardies.When feeding phoenix worms to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie worms that are too big as this can cause choking.


  • High in calcium
  • Low in fat
  • Don't require gut-loading


  • May not be readily available in some areas
  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than crickets or Dubia roaches

Superworms: A Long-Lasting Insect That Can Be Kept in Bulk

Superworms are a long-lasting insect that can be kept in bulk, making them a convenient food option for baby bearded dragons. They are high in protein and low in fat, making them a nutritious food option. Superworms are also easy to raise, which is great for pet owners who want to save money on food costs.When feeding superworms to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie worms that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Long-lasting and can be kept in bulk
  • High in protein and low in fat
  • Easy to raise


  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than crickets or Dubia roaches
  • May not be readily available in some areas

Silkworms: A Soft and Gentle Insect That Can Be Fed Daily to Baby Bearded Dragons

Silkworms are a soft and gentle insect that can be fed daily to baby bearded dragons. They are high in protein and calcium, making them a nutritious food option. Silkworms are also easy to digest, which is important for baby beardies with delicate digestive systems.When feeding silkworms to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie worms that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Soft and gentle, making them easy to digest
  • High in protein and calcium
  • Can be fed daily


  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than crickets or Dubia roaches
  • May not be readily available in some areas

Grasshoppers: A Fun and Challenging Prey Item for Active Baby Beardies

Grasshoppers are a fun and challenging prey item for active baby bearded dragons. They are high in protein and low in fat, making them a nutritious food option. Grasshoppers are also a great way to stimulate your beardie's natural hunting instincts.When feeding grasshoppers to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie grasshoppers that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Fun and challenging prey item
  • High in protein and low in fat
  • Stimulates natural hunting instincts


  • May not be readily available in some areas
  • May not be as appealing to picky eaters
  • Can be more expensive than crickets or Dubia roaches

Butterworms: A Sweet-Tasting Insect That Can Be Fed in Moderation to Baby Bearded Dragons

Butterworms are a sweet-tasting insect that can be fed in moderation to baby bearded dragons. They are high in calcium and low in fat, making them a nutritious food option. Butterworms are also easy to digest, which is important for baby beardies with delicate digestive systems.When feeding butterworms to your baby beardie, make sure they are appropriately sized. You don't want to feed your beardie worms that are too big as this can cause digestive issues.


  • Sweet-tasting and appealing to some beardies
  • High in calcium and low in fat
  • Easy to digest


  • Should only be fed in moderation
  • Can be expensive
  • May not be readily available in some areas


Insects are an essential component of a baby bearded dragon's diet. They provide the necessary protein, calcium, and other nutrients that growing beardies need to thrive. By incorporating a variety of insects into your baby beardie's diet, you can ensure that they are getting all the necessary nutrients.From classic staples like crickets to high-protein treats like black soldier fly larvae, there are many insects to choose from. Experiment with different types of insects to find out what your baby beardie likes best. With a little bit of trial and error, you can provide your baby beardie with a well-rounded and nutritious diet that will help them grow healthy and strong.

Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons

Point of View

As a reptile enthusiast, I believe that it is important to provide the best nutrition for our pets. For baby bearded dragons, insects are a vital part of their diet and must be carefully selected to ensure their health and development. From my experience, the best insects for baby bearded dragons are crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms.

Pros and Cons of Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons

Crickets- Pros: Widely available, affordable, high in protein, easy to gut load and dust with supplements.- Cons: Noisy, have a tendency to escape from enclosures, can carry parasites if not sourced from reputable breeders.Dubia Roaches- Pros: High in protein and calcium, slow-moving, easy to digest, do not produce noise or odor, cannot climb smooth surfaces.- Cons: More expensive than crickets, may not be available in all areas, require a heat source to thrive.Mealworms- Pros: Easy to obtain, affordable, can be kept in a refrigerator to prolong their lifespan, high in protein.- Cons: Low in calcium, hard exoskeleton can be difficult for some baby bearded dragons to digest, should not be the sole source of insects in the diet.

Table Comparison of Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons

Insect Pros Cons
Crickets Widely available, affordable, high in protein, easy to gut load and dust with supplements. Noisy, have a tendency to escape from enclosures, can carry parasites if not sourced from reputable breeders.
Dubia Roaches High in protein and calcium, slow-moving, easy to digest, do not produce noise or odor, cannot climb smooth surfaces. More expensive than crickets, may not be available in all areas, require a heat source to thrive.
Mealworms Easy to obtain, affordable, can be kept in a refrigerator to prolong their lifespan, high in protein. Low in calcium, hard exoskeleton can be difficult for some baby bearded dragons to digest, should not be the sole source of insects in the diet.

In conclusion, providing a variety of insects is key to ensuring that baby bearded dragons receive a balanced diet. While crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms are all good options, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each and supplement accordingly to meet your pet's nutritional needs.

Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons

Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on the best insects for baby bearded dragons. We hope that this article has provided you with all the information you need to keep your pet healthy and happy. As a recap, we discussed the importance of feeding baby bearded dragons a balanced diet, consisting of both vegetables and insects.

We also talked about the different types of insects that are suitable for baby bearded dragons, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. Each of these insects has its own unique benefits, and we recommend experimenting with different insects to see what your bearded dragon likes best.

It is important to note that while insects are an essential part of a baby bearded dragon's diet, they should not be the only source of food. Fresh vegetables and fruits should also be offered daily to ensure that your pet is getting all the necessary nutrients.

When feeding your baby bearded dragon insects, it is crucial to ensure that the insects are properly gut-loaded and dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements. This will help prevent nutrient deficiencies and ensure that your pet is growing and developing at a healthy rate.

Another important consideration when feeding baby bearded dragons is the size of the insects. It is recommended that insects should be no larger than the space between the bearded dragon's eyes. This will help prevent choking and other digestive issues.

If you're new to feeding insects to your baby bearded dragon, it's essential to start slow and gradually increase the number of insects you offer. Too many insects can cause digestive problems, so it's best to start with small amounts and monitor your pet's behavior and health.

As your baby bearded dragon grows, their dietary needs will change. It's important to adjust their diet accordingly and offer a variety of different foods to keep them healthy and happy.

Finally, it is crucial to ensure that the insects you feed your baby bearded dragon are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals. If you're purchasing insects from a pet store, make sure that they are safe for consumption by reptiles.

We hope that this article has been helpful in guiding you towards providing a healthy and balanced diet for your baby bearded dragon. Remember that proper nutrition is essential for your pet's growth and development, and with the right care and attention, your bearded dragon will thrive.

Thank you for reading, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about feeding your baby bearded dragon.

People Also Ask About Best Insects for Baby Bearded Dragons

What are the best insects to feed baby bearded dragons?

Baby bearded dragons require a diet that is rich in protein, and live insects are an essential part of their diet. Here are some of the best insects to feed your baby bearded dragon:

  • 1. Crickets
  • 2. Dubia Roaches
  • 3. Phoenix Worms
  • 4. Black Soldier Fly Larvae
  • 5. Mealworms (in moderation)

How often should I feed my baby bearded dragon insects?

Baby bearded dragons should be fed insects daily. They should be offered as much as they can eat in a 10-15 minute period, and any uneaten insects should be removed from the enclosure. As your baby bearded dragon grows, you can gradually increase the size of the insects you offer.

Can I feed my baby bearded dragon vegetables instead of insects?

While it is important to offer your baby bearded dragon a balanced diet that includes vegetables, they still require live insects for protein. Vegetables should make up about 20-30% of their diet, and insects should make up the rest.

Should I gut-load the insects before feeding them to my baby bearded dragon?

Yes, it is important to gut-load the insects before feeding them to your baby bearded dragon. This means feeding the insects a nutritious diet for 24-48 hours before offering them to your pet. This ensures that your baby bearded dragon is getting all the necessary nutrients from their insects.